
A lot of people are pissed off about them getting a black actress to play a fictional character. I don’t know why considering the character is fictional and not based on a real person. Plus she never specified the race of the character in the books. It’s a shame that people only see black and white instead of just

As a black guy, I don’t care if she is white thinking she is black. Its really a non-issue. She has done things in her life that seems to me helps the very people who she is trying to identify. Instead of making fun of her or trying to get her to admit that she is white, maybe we should recognize that the good she has

This kid unfortunately, learned what it is like to be a black man in America. It’s a shame, and it could be a gender issue, but I think it has to do with race.

For a man as smart as Ben Carson, he sure does say dumb things. I really can’t take him seriously and unlike Trump I don’t see him being the Republican nominee.

I am a black guy and I don’t think Rachel Dolezal did anything wrong and I didn’t get the hate that she was receiving. She identified with black and she took steps to conceal her “whiteness”. Is that really that big of a deal? As Rihanna said, is pretending to black really such a bad thing.

There are so many influential women that they could choose from than their family members or non-Americans. You could choose from Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Susan B Anthony, Sacajawea, Sojourner Truth, Lucy Stone, and countless others. I do think a woman should be on a $20 bill, because Andrew Jackson has got to go.

This is how people become radicalized. This kind of racism and bigotry that has plagued our country for centuries. If any other kid bought a homemade clock, people would praise that kid. Since it is a kid named Ahmed Mohammad, then he must be a suicide bomber.

It is interesting considering that Caitlyn has considered herself a woman since she was male. For a person who was a male but identified as being female thinking of themselves as traditional, it certainly raises a lot of eyebrows.

It really didn’t change because she was more accepting of gay marriage. It changed because its “the law of the land.” Which to me isn’t the same as being wholeheartedly accepting it. Its more on the lines of well its legal so who am I to say otherwise.

Almost happened to me but I effed up near the end and Sam got killed.

I am just surprise that people have heard of her.

During my lunch, I listen to talk radio where Kevin Jackson has a radio station. I really don’t know if I just dislike him or just hate him. Everything that he says is just a contradiction. At this point, I really don’t know why people are shocked to learn that Fox News and their anchors have these type of views. I