Tom Yabo

And you were deliberately infected with moronic stupidity.

Omar’s story

Funny how all you liberal fucktards’ heads explode when he calls people on their bullshit and doesn’t kiss China’s ass.

I guess millions of people will be triggered by ‘What’s your ethnicity?’ when the 2020 census rolls around.

WTF ever. It’s the worst rule in your stupid fucking opinion because it didn’t play into the Dems hands. When are you going to be a real journalist?

What’s the difference between a vagina and a cunt?

and you’re an ass-sniffing pillow biter.

Of course you do, you fucking asshole. Let’s jump to conclusions before anymore facts are released. This shows how much of a moronic, fucktard you are. Automatically jumping to a conclusion that supports your racist-ass beliefs. Eat shit and go fuck yourself.

and her face like your mother’s.

or your mother’s queef.

Or maybe you’ll keep reading shit like Splinter and the Root and your head will finally fucking explode.

Your cognitive dissonance is truly amazing. How do you function on a daily basis?

Oh no! The big bad man wiff awl his widdle cwonies and Nazi supporters are gonna get me! Wook out evewybody dey gonna get you too!

dark underbelly = people of color ?!? WTF?!? You are a FUCKING MORON, Grasso!

You’re a fucking dipshit.

Making Free Speech Great Again!

Go fuck yourself with a tomato. Poopyface Tomato Nose.

Like your mother’s pussy.

I’m bLaCk. It’S nOt RaCiSm If YoU’rE pReDuJiCeD aGaInSt WyPiPo.