
I know the feeling. not having the time to really do the math is the curse of the engineer.

Ok you win Tom. Thank you for the explanation rather than the random attacks of Reddit like commenters that I received. If anything their 45 highway and 55 city needs to be looked at. Don't know many of many drivers that drive more miles in the city and not on the highway.

Uh no. Let's do a simple math. Consider a car that gets 10 mpg city 20 mpg hwy. let it drive 100 miles using 55/45 city/highway ratio. Calculate the total fuel use. Compare that to the method you proposed.

This story just kept going in circles, and predictably ended with Busch crashing out.

Its a 4-door version of a 2-door version of a 4-door car.

It's no exotic but I stand by my position. The Mazda6. It is exquisite and I have to comment on its looks every time I see one.

These don't make good ambulances.

That was back during the Labor Reformation. The things you're talking about were problems nearly 100 years ago, and in case you haven't noticed, they're not fighting for those things today. They're making production inside the U.S. cripplingly expensive and fighting for ridiculous salaries that prevent companies from

Good Lord, yes. Admittedly, I'm already not a pro-union person. But the dock workers (at least here in LA) have had a fucking great, great run of it for a very long time. I get it. It's tough work at times. But so are a great many thing which don't strong-arm people into paying executive salary sums for manual labor

Stupid unions.

Maybe it would be good to take this moment to ponder America's sagging infrastructure.

Last gasp of a dying breed. The canal is getting widened and the rest of the world is automating these jobs. They're trying to get as much as they can while they've still some leverage and everyone is paying for it.

Failing to invest in trains in this country was one of the really poor choices of the twentieth century.

I'll tell you a story. I'm an advanced care paramedic. The call was for a 2-car MVA on a rural road.

Glacial profiling.

I missed that but if the hose is touching your car then you're doing it wrong. Pull up further and use your spare arm (assuming you still have 2) to keep the hose away from the paint while you pump.