Sean's Show? Sean Hughes? That was a good show. What happened to him, anyway?
Sean's Show? Sean Hughes? That was a good show. What happened to him, anyway?
Dude. Calm down.
Hey, I take offence to that on behalf of my toddler!
Indicate Clearly Your Maneuvering Intentions.
O, I C. Thanks
What the fuck does ICYMI mean?
As long as there's an R2-D2 and C-3PO cameo then everything will be fine.
Lie, They lie,
They lie,
They lie
Looks pretty good, I'm really liking the look of that new Big Trouble in Little China board game. Hard to know whether the game will play well, but the board and pieces look spot on.
He just seemed to sit there being awestruck and giggly. Good documentary though, well worth a watch, I wasn't aware that was how quickly they turned the show around, very interesting.
He just seemed to sit there being awestruck and giggly. Good documentary though, well worth a watch, I wasn't aware that was how quickly they turned the show around, very interesting.
Oh definitely, I'm happy for it to keep going, It's funny enough to keep me entertained on the train to work, and they often do crappy movies I've liked for years. I just wish they'd do the Naomi Watts movie The Shaft.
The only thing that would stop me listening is if they bring back that awful jarring 'second…
Casting Jeff Goldblum as his dad was spot on!
Your profile says "Journalist and TV blogger". Buy it, claim on taxes. Duh.
You're my fact checkin' (80s obsessed) cuz.
Indeed, sometimes I think Paul picks the movie without even checking to see if it's a comedy/satire. He's made comments in the past about starting to watch a movie and thinking he's made a mistake. Like when they did Lake Placid, that whole movie is a fun riff on big creature features of old, yet they thought the…
You've got to wonder how much of it is them trying to make a 'show' of it, without just talking about it and letting the humour come naturally. Sometimes it seems like Jason might not have much to say about a particular movie so he really amps up his angry persona, which can be either annoying or funny depending on…
Funny that Gwen said The The's "This is the Day", I was going to say the piano solo in The The's "This is the Night'!
The organ solo in "Riders on the Storm" - The Doors