Tom's inadequate balls

Cool story, bro.

Uggh Beat me to it.

Also, fuck Jimmy Butler with a rusty chainsaw

...That was the point I was making. They beat the Pacers 3 times (twice on Jimmy Butler no-call fouls on PG last second shots, and once on a miracle shot from Butler). Point is the Pacers should have been 3-1 if not 4-0 against the Bulls, and have had trouble winning close games all year. It’s because Bird wants to go

As a Pacers fan, I love this article.

So far, Clover’s posts have been the most enjoyable.

My favorite show is Breaking Bad........

I definitely seem to be in the minority, maybe I should try to enjoy it.

Maybe I’m just old and grumpy.... but I’m not liking this at all today.

Well, they can’t play sports, looks like it time to make wings.

Has your opinion on sports/athletes changed since you have started covering them for a living?

“You tell me, where in this country can you bring your child to work every day?”

That Onno Hoes-Dick Tips match up will be a doozey

- Tim Tebow

+1 for making my laugh and feel awful about it

You should never eat the last Oreo... now he knows.

Harrison absolutely deserved to get in over TO..... but I’m also a Fat Humps fan so I’m probably biased

A huge, gaping one at that

Never said or implied that I was

I can’t tell if you’re trolling or if you actually believe what you are saying....