
Or Laurie's in-utero baby…

True. Yeah, thinking about it, I'm sure Kevin meeting them in a hotel bar was not incidental.

I read an article last night saying the writers did intend for her to kill herself—that was the intention of the episode as written. But as they were talking through ideas for the finale, someone came up with "Nora calls Laurie and asks to be her patient." Everyone loved that angle and they ran with it. It was also

I did. I think that's where me met the couple getting married.

The finale perfectly doled out information (Nora's maybe departure, Kevin's lie, Laurie being alive) to keep all-sorts of possibilities open. The writers used viewer expectations for a Lindelof show to create a mystery that, in the end, was simply a poignant love story. It's easy to create a mystery, very hard to

His hairline is fine; it's the void behind it that's a little off-putting.

There are a lot of call backs to season 1 (and 2) this season (like the Perfect Strangers mention in season 1).

I think shooting Kevin in the chest and watching him shrug it off like a mosquito bite was the major driver of his conversion.

I don't know, I'm kind of hoping for more '80s sitcom themes.

Herman's Hermits?

have you never read a review on pitchfork?

It was like a pilot to a Girls spin-off.

So, basically, it was the perfect Girls finale.

I thought this was a great way to end the series: put the same characters in a foreign land, under wildly different circumstance than we would have guessed at the beginning of the season, and challenge them to move past themselves into new territory.

In rich neighborhoods, yes.

Thought the same thing. There was one specific exchange where all she had to do was lie and they would have both been out of the car. But, obviously, she had had enough.

Apparently one of the prerequisites of getting a child enrolled in Otter Bay Elementary is having an outstanding singing voice.

True, they did make a point of emphasizing that in the episode.

I thought the Kelly (Dave E.) and Skarsgard did a pretty deft job of giving what turned out to a complete monster of a character at least some depth.

That was an all-time top-five TV vomit moment.