
I usually try to give my comments more substance than what I'm about to type, but in this case, it seems entirely appropriate........

From Wikipedia: "Agar (agar agar) can be used as a laxative..."

@FragRev: It was a joke guys. Thus the Adobe disclaimer. ;)

@imapcgirl: Awww shucks ma'am....'Twernt nuthin. :)

@Tycho Vhargon: Wow man. That's hard drive territory. I'll bet you love the shit outta that.

@Andinator: Iknorite? One day day....

@EarlyAdopter: It's right above. Where it says Android......

@Cross_Da_Fire: Yea but just like manual masturbation, your arm gets tired.

I had to "settle" with 3mbps DSL for a month or so when i moved and hated every moment of it. Its amazing how spoiled we've become.

The fucking thing looks like a Quidditch goal.

I tried it this morning and it works pretty well. Albeit a bit odd, as I'm used to the old way of things.

@George Wong: Eat my ass and become deathly ill.

@Robotronic: They do if there's a way to turn 'em around backwards.