but no one is spending anywhere near what this US is spending.
but no one is spending anywhere near what this US is spending.
Yes, air superiority fighters have no foreseeable use in any potential future conflict. That's why every single other major (and potentially antagonistic) military power is also building them (China, India, Iran, Russia, etc.)
You're joking, right?
All available evidence would support the conclusion that this woman is an epic, narcissistic, self-centered cunt. So yeah. Got it?
I have a feeling that this woman is absolutely and completely insufferable to deal with in person.
So discussing anything military-related = warmongering? You must be a sharp one. Razor. Sharp.
If 'buying French' is deemed unacceptable, and the off-the-shelf nature of the SMX-Ocean with its lack of pork cannot attain the necessary support in Congress, than at the US Navy should design and field something similar.
There are ~10,000+ (and growing) corpses in West Africa that say you're full of shit.
References to God/Allah are woven into the general Arabic language and colloquialisms - their presence isn't necessarily and indication of religious fervor or extremism.
I didn't see too many surplus Ma Deuces lying around there.