

I am Carvalho

When they are just standing around Kurt Russell in a circle beating on him?

*bites lower lip*
*claps along to rapping*
*is mom*

I love that she had the courage to say what we are all thinking: Hamilton kind of sucks.

I would revel in this news of a terrible person brought low except Uber the product is the best.

Eh, I think it's fairly ambivalent. That's kind of the point of Brutus and Anthony's crowd manipulation.

"Listen, I'm the guy who fought Magneto every time he was a bad guy" is line of dialogue that a professional writer wrote.

LOL at Brendan Dassey reading a novel. He was regurgitation the plot of a crappy movie based on the crappy novel.

Eh, I thought it was weird that they didn't hammer on the blood chain of custody. That was such a HOLY SHIT moment and then it just sort of fizzled away. Obviously they are limited by the court in terms of what they can present, but that should have been top of the pile.

I don't know where it ranks on lists of best episodes but the one where they find that videotape of Faye as a little girl.

same outfit though

those twitchy irises, man

…why? Were they going to rewrite the part for her or something?

This hasn't been true of Disney films since the 80s

Hood ornament

This is a bad headline.

Brontosaurus is back (and not just in pog form)

The "science" theory is that they were a population of extant Neanderthals wearing skins.
