
Simple solution, everyone in the county that wants to wear a mask, take their business out of the county where possible.  Then the business owners will be begging the city to require masks.

Last time I checked, solar is 0% efficient at night so maybe 70% to 80% efficient is acceptable for making solar generated electricity available at night. I don’t know your particular motivations or knowledge so don’t take the following personally. The desire for the perfect solution is stifling progress. As Voltaire

It was built by me from parts made in China but what does that have to do with my comment?  And, where was your device made?

I think the answer, in alot of cases, to storage is known.  User reneables to pump water up hill when solar and wind are available and recover the energy when you let the water flow back down hill.  You don’t need to dame a river to do that,  All you need is a valley higher that then the turbines.

They haven’t been built in the US because environmentalist keep opposing them which leaves older, less safe, reactors in operation and keeps fossil fuel generation more cost effective. The environmentalists plan appears to be to keep opposing new, much safer reactors from being built until all the older reactors age

The difference is that the Chinese government can order and Chinese company to give there military (PLA) access to all the Tik Tok data. The Chinese government can not force BK and Tim Hortons to give the PLA access to their data.

The sole and unwavering focus of everyone at this time should be defeating Trump. If that does not happen, climate change only gets worse. If you article causes one person to not vote for Biden, you have done a great disservice to this country and the world.

Do cars burn more gas in stop and go traffic or at a steady 65 MPH? DUH, much less gas is burned if traffic is moving so how does building fewer roads reduce carbon emissions? Urban America is either a cesspool or is too expensive to live in. People have to live where they can afford and feel safe. Until that changes,

All of this could have been avoided with a simple “Excuse me”

How does that change the message?

With real leadership at the federal level, it would not be a problem to standardize.

Thank you for being proactive and picking up litter.

I loved my big brown Zune and then my Zune HD.  I still have the HD and it still works great.  I, like others, used the store to kick the tires on products.  I used their in store tech support once and they resolved my problem without telling me I needed to buy a new computer.

Reinforcing that narrative by making AOC the face of the party will only lose you votes from Republicans that are willing to vote for Joe to get rid of Trump.

Yes, it will hurt the chances that the Dems will win to have AOC be the face of the party. It will hurt you with Independents and Republicans that are sick of Trump. Those are the exact people that lost you the last election. The ONLY thing the Dems should be concentrating on is WINNING. You can change the world in

This was a dumb thing to do! If you had done nothing and 10,000 had showed up, Trump would not have a scapegoats. You have given him one. You have proven to his supporters that you really are trying to subvert his campaign. Congratulations!  He does not need your help to help to fail.

To make this work we need to get back into the diplomacy game. Without commitments from Russia and China on deescalating our militaries it would be a very bad idea to cut military funding. A unilateral reduction in forces could be disastrous.

OH WOW AIRBUSIS AMAZING! NOT! Boeing did this in 2007.

I think this is a case of an automated monitoring system throwing out warnings that has not been programed to take into account time of day of use. With this publicity, Cox will fix that quickly.

Curfew is working in AZ.  The protestors are going home before 8PM.  Protests are still happening but the rioting and looting have stopped.  What happened to the gentleman had nothing to do with a curfew as it was broad daylight.  It had everything to do with cops being dumb.