
Pack yourself up and leave, you asshat. I’m not any less an American than you are, just because I would like our country to be a decent place to live.

The thing is with generous social programs is that they pay off in the long run. Affordable daycare=more women in the workforce=more people paying income taxes. I live in a place with fairly generous social programs (long maternity leave, affordable daycare, medicare and free dental for kids under 12). This is purely

I’m a life-long feminist who at 34 is starting to feel very much on the outside of this tent. What the fuck are these student’s going for here?

What part of this current iteration of feminism do you most identify with? The policing? The intolerance to differing views? The clinging to victimhood? I see none of myself in it.

It is a stunning example of feminism devouring itself.

Ahhh, I see. I think you replied to the wrong comment, one thread up a guy says “euro douchnozzle”. I have taken your grain of salt and added it to my jumbo fries. ;)

I will never understand how anyone can support the death penalty, In the US there have been so many studies shown that black people are more likely to face death penalty than white people and that the murderers of white victims were 4.3 times more likely to be sentenced to death than those who killed black victims.

Oh please, 95% of the people here wouldn’t be able to drive/hoon that car, no matter how much they claim they would. Until you have lots of experience with such fast cars, and with such fast cars breaking traction, you just won’t know how to react and correct any time a little too much gas is given. Hell, even some of

Isn’t it possible that this is less to make fun of small penises and more of a small penis pride thing? That’s the vibe I got from it, probably because of that story a while ago about some guy doing something prideful about small penises (I literally do not remember more details than that, but I can probably find it

This is hilarious; love it. And before anyone says anything disparaging, I’d just like to remind everyone that 1) body-shaming is very unchill, regardless of gender, and 2) women with small-dicked men report higher levels of sexual satisfaction. (It’s not the size of the boat, etc.)

Literally one of the stupidest things I’ve seen on Jezebel. And I’m not a Jez hater, either.

As long as it’s gloss, honestly. And we do have some pretty good companies (Just posted one with an Agera in the lot)

Eh...shouldn’t glorify those types, now should we?

Very interesting. And cool that you give details - some here get VERY defensive when met with any curiosity - likely because they either inherited a business or trust fund, an insurance settlement, or are bullshitting (not accusing you, of course). I notice the leather goods market is much more vibrant in Europe than

Can we see pictures? Someone here in SoCal has a matte black one with green stripes on the panel seams. It’s....not my first color choice.

At worst I’ll make fun of people for being unrealistic cheapskates (no one actually cross shops buying a Ferrari vs. buying a Corvette AND three extra cars), but in actuality I don’t really assume anything when it comes to what people can afford - especially considering I’m a trustfund kid (sort of). Plus I remember

How is this not illegal already? Btw, this is the reason I wear shorts underneath skirts.

...or this is just a gossip outlet making something up, like they do when they predict Jennifer Aniston is pregnant for the millionth time.

Translation: the problem isn’t that all these other people were raped, the problem was *a character that I like* was raped.