
Fishing line attached to bottle of Jager could be a good incentive to start rolling.

How dare you! I am so moderately offended!

I sure hope Marvel paid for the hernia surgery for the amount of twisting and straining he just did.

The Gout will rule Dorne in his stead.

The tuning for head tested badly in the midwest.

Until they fight the evil hair extensions, there can be no winner.

The Pilgrim was no good. Line readings were wooden and the effects were sub par. Glad she got shanked by a child. Would not mind a muppet babies version of Leonard and Mick.

and every-daydrinking

We're relevant! Please pay attention to us!

I'd rather have someone with a personal connection go off rather than the outright drivel that morning shows served up in an effort to beat each other.

I don't recall that most of the main posters for Under the Skin featured this treatment. It'd be hard to compare boner comedies to this.

Presented by the MEH network, who brought you dancing baby, auto tune the news, Frank Calliendo and JibJab smile hour.

Exploding trailer meth lab on their banner.

Sarah Silverman
Mark Rylance,
Mary who earned all the money online to buy a McLAren P1,
Gordon Ramsay,
Rebecca Hall
Chow Yun Fat

Any screwups on MTVs part are fine with me as long as we get a reprieve from Catfish Beyond, Teen Mom and Walking DC Shoes Billboard Rob Dyrdek.

Broken Tidal Promises is a good future Lifetime Movie or Nicholas Sparks novel that becomes another sappy movie.


I bet. He always appears unhinged to me which is why it's a good counterpoint to Camp's over enunciation. Pick one to scare me and I'm on team Puck.

Savage soup medleys is the thing for busy moms and harried dads. I will conquer the world like Ted Cruz with 100 cans of love.

So abuse and lactose intolerance are given the same weight? Wonderful. Can't wait for the latest Franco crap out. Nic Cage he's comin' for you! They must have made a pact when filming Sonny that one day one of them would make bargain basement action films while the other made bargain basement indie dramas.