
Only Tom Ley and Deadspin would run a narrative that somehow the story from last night wasn’t Rose quitting on his teammates and going AWOL, but it’s that his vanishing act makes the Knicks look bad.

Yeah. A former all pro linebacker threatening and grabbing someone’s wrists should never call for some backup officers to arrive.

And the dumbest comment of the day goes to...

He’s a grown man though and shouldn’t be referred to as “boy”, especially in the context of mentioning his race. It’s both belittling and littered with racist undertones.

I wouldn’t want my biracial son referred to as “black boy” or “white boy”. I would find both to be indicators of racist undertones.

Yeah, he was called a white boy though. That’s still racist and diminishing and should not be said by employees to customers, period.

Seriously. It’s sad how reductively racist some people are about interracial dating.

Damn you’re pulling a muscle with that stretch. A trip sucks but when and if he causes serious injury with a trip, getting kicked in the balls is way fucking worse and much more of a cock move.

Since when does DS condemn players for taunting after making a play? Kinda Phil Mushnik territory.

Not even a Friday newsdump, but a Saturday Christmas Eve newsdump?

Who knew something requiring great intellect and concentration at the highest levels for a series of hours could be so mentally draining as to cause a person to appear stressed?

Kid was forced out by the school to give a rather poor apology for his violence against women as part of a Friday newsdump before a major holiday.

“It is uniformly against Mixon”

So you want him to hit another white person?

Are you equally as forgiving of Brock Turner and speak up as frequently asking people to forgive him for his crimes after the mob pile on he received after he was sentenced (not suspended) or do you only feel compelled to do that for black athletes that hit white women after referring to people in their party with gay

Or, The Giants have NO running game to speak of. It’s been awful this year and while 63 pass attempts is insane, I wouldn’t want to call running plays at this point in the season if I were the Giants OC either.

Reminds me of girls named Nevaeh (heaven backwards) or Mercedes. With a name like that they’re destined to be spoiled, feel entitled and turn out all sorts of wrong.

Aspiring Delladova? Deadspin has racial binders (as is usual for the site).

He got up in the face of an old man doing his job as a sports writer in a rather aggressive manner. Boogie is a bully.

He’s not complaining, he’s replying to a question about whether or not Boogie should have been called on that. At best Cousins was just taunting their bench when the mouthpiece flew out, and at worst he spit it at them while taunting them.