
How is this the only basketball related post on DS today? Is the site going to completely ignore the members of the US Mens Basketball team driving an hour from their luxary cruise liner to visit a well known Rio brothel?

“to complain about the lack of perks on their all-expenses-paid three-week trip to Brazil.”

Thank you. The team firmly established they’re in the rebuild process by way of their fire sale at the end of the deadline. They’re a .500 team that’s not as bad as Tom needlessly exaggerates they are. They’d be wise to give his ABs to young talent to evaluate for the future and make sense of what talent they may

Why does Deadspin never run the photo of the arrested/accused Baylor athlete in their coverage of these stories?

“even the good guy professor”

Since when does Deadspin censor athlete dong?

Or rather than trying to describe him with labels assigning which social group you want him to belong to so as to feel better about talking down about him, he’s a person that didn’t take kindly to a joke about looking like a sex offender by a coworker based on his physical appearance.

Dude bit his girlfriend. Good on the shark.

It was 10-6 with 3,900 yards passing and 31 TDs against 15 picks.

You sound rather ignorant and insensitive to your friend’s sensitivities. You claim to have apologized, but given how defensive you were about not being wrong for calling him a sex offender based on his facial hair, I’m guessing you’re apology left a lot to be desired.

The fuck does an AD have to do with this scumbag punching this woman and fracturing her face?

Body shaming FTW! Now that’s what Gawker media is about.

“Adult son”

Peak Shaq was so incomparable to any other player in the post-merger era. What he did during those Lakers years was terrifying. I don’t remember Shaq being outplayed by Duncan, even though the Spurs bested them in ‘03 (could be wrong, it was a long time ago now).

So it’s labeled a hissy fit on this site when this guy does it, but not when Serena Williams did it at the US Open?

What would Stanton be like on roids like in Bonds heyday? There would be multiple 500 ft homers each season by him, right? His “off” years would be those in which he only slugged 44-49 dingers (Stanton on roids would never hit less than 44).

“Want a real reason to feel bad about the Simpson trial?”

Since when does LeBron admit he made a mistake as Cavs GM?

Draymond Green is more insufferable than Matthew Delladova. I know if Delladova did this we’d never hear the end of it on this site.

God, Ventura is the Delladova of baseball. He’s been recklessly throwing bean balls at hitters for a while now. Thrown at Manny twice tonight? Yeah that was only a matter of time before that little shit was going to meet fists.