And Sam proved all those doubters wrong with his strong performance on the practice squad and CFL.
And Sam proved all those doubters wrong with his strong performance on the practice squad and CFL.
“Also, the Islanders have made the playoffs three of the last four seasons.”
That was it? That was the “torching”? That’s pretty.... Lame. It was lame.
Good call. No businesses should boycott China and even attempt any form of change there. Instead they should just drop their supposed values at the boarder and worry most about the current currency exchange rate.
I guess this is only considered creepy by Gawker media properties when certain migrant adults go back to high school to pose as teenagers.
Deadspin sure knows how to troll like the best of ‘em.
Does your initial comment place any blame on the perpetrator or just the institution? I am glad you do acknowledge that the adult committing the rape bears responsibility.
So you blame the culture or the adult rapists actually committing the heinous crimes?
You do know she’s merely recapping the reporting that others have already released, right?
“but if a player truly believes he is being treated unfairly by referees because of his race, it’s probably something the NBA should look into.”
Yes. Stay silent about opinions in the comment section of a sports blog, under an article that labels any critic of how boring the end result of these tournaments have become as a “jerkass”.
Guy, this is deadspin. If you say anything negative about a woman/women’s sports, you’re a jerkass bro douche bag. Logic doesn’t have a home here.
Yes, Barry Bonds is responsible for Stanton crushing that ball over the fence.
Yeah, driving while under the influence is one of those unforgivable sins for me. Having lost people to those who arrogantly felt “they were fine” when in fact they were heavily under the influence before operating a motor vehicle, I think that’s plenty of good reason to turn on those involved.
Yes Tom, he was asking for it. By admitting to a non-sports related health issue, he was totally asking for it.
Where’s the typical Deadspin hot take bemoaning the Goose Gosseges and Coach K’s of the world who want players to “tone that down” due to the “unwritten rules”?
What kind of punishment could these guys really face if they were found to engage in this behavior? A suspension? A fine? A mandatory “sexual harassment training” seminar?
But they really (claim) to care about sexual harassment, honest!
Yeah. You want Richie Incognito calling guys the N-word out there and being allowed to stay in the game?
I think this is more targeting guys like Richie Incognito using the N-word, or with Josh Norman using homophobic/gay slurs towards players.