He’s trapped in his brain and he can only communicate via catchphrase.
He’s trapped in his brain and he can only communicate via catchphrase.
Oh my god. I hope it’s about him sending his daughter off to college and having to come to terms with her disgust at him, his faded relevance, and a world that doesn’t square with his sensibilities.
Honestly... If anyone can make a serious (but totally ironic) film about Duke Nukem, it would be Michael Bay. Cheesy one liners and poor action sequences line up perfectly for Bay and a Nukem movie.
That being said, let the Duke rest. He’s dead. Just like Presley; he’s old, fat and has a totally forgettable performance…
I think that’s actually an interesting dividing line, because for me personally, The Last of Us is *extremely* “fun to play”, but it’s emotionally tough to engage with.
Or who voted for Jill Stein, because “they just couldn’t”. I’m doubly angry at them, because I haven’t been able to stand Hilary since the Monica days and I put that aside in the interest of keeping the country from descending into its current madness. Those girls should be barred from sisterhood for life.
This is a hell of a take given that you come off as more offended by the article than the article is offended about anything.
Yeah, I’m all for calling it out white people, but like come on... let’s at least shame the white women who didn’t vote. The ones who voted for Trump or Roy Moore are pretty much beyond saving. Like, they voted for those men because they’re racist and proud. We can call them out for it, and their response will be to…
I wasn’t super impressed by the game at the time, honestly. It was rarely very fun, and as you say it was willfully unpleasant in a way that even the likes of God of War—a similarly amoral, hyperviolent game—was not.
I am PRO “Hey White Women!!!” but I mean like... HALF OF THEM DON’T GIVE A FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
I think it was a love/affair trinket, not porn.
She’s great, and I thought she was great in the movie. That said, I went to the movie to be entertained, not to have any theories confirmed, so I’m probably doing this wrong.
What dampens some of my enthusiasm is knowing that there really isn’t the strong character foundation that the Original Trilogy established, hell even The Prequels did a good job of cementing that this is the story of a Trio of characters and their friends. The new trilogy seems all over the place since in The Force…
Here’s where I stand on The Last Jedi:
Because Kathleen Kennedy is really the person making the final decisions on the direction of the story, not JJ or Rian.
I knew even during The Force Awakens that this trilogy is being made without any planning or forethought about what the entire story is going to be. It’s just 3 movies made by 3 (at the time) directors whose only job is to make 1 movie at a time and who aren’t sharing notes.
Haven’t seen the movie yet, so I’m going to jump in here before anyone starts casually mentioning the ending of the Last Jedi or anything:
It was a strange time for them. Their dominance of world affairs was over and the nation which had been the world’s most powerful was in decline and looking for a way to show it was still strong.
I love scenes of good wordless acting and Claire Foy killed that scene at the ballet.