
Actually senior drivers are by far the most likely to die in a crash.


I *used* to drive drunk. Many many years ago. Never hit another car. Just lamp posts and street signs.

I remember the parking lot at my high school being pretty chill, but it was a big lot, not alot of parking spaces but alot of room to move around and the spaces themselves were big, and not many kids had cars, and the ones that did spent their only thousamd bucks to buy them so they were pretty careful, so it wasnt

Do you people think teens are out here just crashing into everything they see? When I see a bad driver on the road 9 times out of 10 it’s a senior citizen.

This article is more about whether you should buy a new car for your kid or get a beater.

Do you live in Beverly Hills or something? I was a teen not too long ago and I don’t know a single person who’s parents bought them a new car.

I hear what you’re saying but then I saw this Hyundai ad that’s running on your article. Only 11k plus freight and pdi! Now that’s sensible!

I live in a smallish town so I have literally never seen an Aston Martin on the road.

My guess is it’ll be less practical than a tesla, perform worse than a tesla, and cost $300,000.

You know what, I’ve dated a couple dozen girls in my time and not a single one of them has ever owned a car at the time we were dating.

Why does it have to be a young persons car? Pretty sure cars modified by older people can be bad too.

You promised me an under 10 second car...

“All we know for sure is a damn plane crashed with nobody in it. You can’t explain that.”

Today, in things I learned that will never matter - film expires.

Who ever thought that when we crossed a human baby with a pot brownie the offspring would one day direct a Hollywood movie. Amazing

I’m in Canada and I’ve been driving 10km/h over the speed limit on every road I’ve ever been on for my entire life and never been pulled over. Doesn’t work like that in the UK, sorry.


That’s some good training

That’s just good synergy