
The kids aren’t saying that

Better than that shit wiz Khalifa put out for the last movie.


Movies play at like 70+ frames per second now.

Unless this gets retrofitted to older cars it doesn’t matter

One time they let me take a test drive without someone from the dealership sitting in the passenger seat.

Perhaps, but crash barriers exist everywhere. I just they could argue this was not a safe crash barrier. But the woman was uninjured so there goes he case

Seniors shouldn’t be driving

It says km/h right there on the speedo... in two different places no less.

Except that it says km/h right there on the speedo in two different places....

Nice collection!


Delorean’s are CP at any price.

How do you like the fz1? I’m thinking of upgrading my commuter bike which is an fz6 right now.

Chrysler or dodge

Unless nuclear was happens in the next couple months. Which is seeming more and more likely...

It’s impossible not to look stupid putting on your 4 point harness in a car with 138hp


The NVH would have to be much MUCH worse to justify sacrificing 50+ hp and 50+ torque.

Stupid drones