Tom Larkin II

Feeling very bad about his recent loss. As for the idiots coming up with "did he murder hr>" scenarios, just leave it alone. There's also a 7-year old girl who just lost her mother.

I got pissed when they stopped announcing in the opening credits, "…with Lenny Picket and the Saturday Night Live Band!" WTF, are they trying to save time? 3 seconds? Put it back in!

You've already blown it. Not one episode of The Larry Sanders Show in the Top Ten?

I'm surprised that the horrible camera work on the 30 Rock Reunion wasn't mentioned.

This sounds like a remake of The Brady Bunch episode where Billy the Kid become Bobby Brady's hero, until Billy killed the whole Bunch in a dream.

I'm pretty sure I spotted Amy alive in the coming attraction for next week's finale.

I think Bosworth just gave all those customer his "I'm the Wiz" look from his Seinfeld episode and that's how he got them all back.

Typical actor. Without a script they barely have a thought process. Al Pacino's a legendary actor. Listen to him accept an award? You want to kill yourself. She should have interviewed Art Garfunkel. At least 10 out of 11 of his answers would have been bitching about Paul Simon.

We didn't have a CD player and knew my Mom wouldn't purchase it just for me. Had to be for the "family". So I bought Barry Manilow's Greatest Hits Vol. 2 since she was a huge fan and would think it was silly having a CD laying around with nothing to play it in. It worked. 2 months in I did a hit and run from the

"Excuse me, can you tell me where the nuclear wessels are?"

This is good news. Now CBS can hire Joel McHale as Craig Ferguson's replacement. All is good.