Renee Engine-Bangger

The utter lack of curiosity by the characters in UTD is what condemns it to Stupid Hell. That and the mcguffin of da propane.

I can't even hate watch this show.

Yeah, his Malkovich impression is impressive.

This show is so dead to me I can't even hate watch it.

Yeah, I there for Bullet .

Don't ask don't tell?

It didn't suck too badly and for the Killing that's a compliment.

Norris in this…ew. He's shitting the bed.

I tried to watch this first episode of the new season but after the utterly boring and badly acted "bench dedication" scene I stabbed my TV.

I think it is weird that his acting in this is so weak and false.

Maybe they will turn the Dome into an IMAX theater.

Recent TV shows I wanted to like but which were too stupid even for me

A damn metaphor and I missed it!

Hell yeah. And they don't even mention anything like crisis management: food, water, fuel. I don't need it to be "realistic" (it's a freaking DOME) but jeezus.

Ugh. Might be a record: I hate the show 5 minutes into the second episode.

Holder IS the Dog Whisperer

What, because The Killing has entered tv rehab we are supposed to give it a pass when it backslides? Hell no! It's touch love baby!

This episode had its moments but too much of it was Weiner moving the plot pieces around for easy hits. As such it was thin gruel with some tasty chocolate chips (Hersey!) mixed in: moments of strong acting in a weak narrative of "…and then….and then…and then."

The parallel prison story feels pointless and like the bad old Killing. Lots of misdirection and shots full of ponderous "meaning." As a writer, V. Sud's prime instinct seems to be emotional manipulation and disrespect for the reader/viewer so I am wary and cautious. But the A story with Holder and Linden is working