
Those and the occasional legit crazy person who sees cops and thinks they are coming for them... Also past encounters ....

I was driving with my family once and a dear or an elk ran down the hill next to the road and hit the side of the van I was driving. I found a safe space a lil down the road to pull off and take a look and walk back to see if the dear was ok. No sign of it. So yeah something is not adding up. Oh and I didn’t bother to

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Anyone else feel that someone should update this classic? Dave Chappelle’s “7 words hite People should never say!”

I prefer the term “Little Brother”. Big brother is the state. It’s their traffic cameras, speed cameras, licenses plate readers, facial recognition software ect.

I was shocked this summer when I called the non emergency number for an injured bird in my lawn. They sent police first? For an injured bird that fit in the palm of my hand they sent police before animal control. WTF? I later learned that in my Country (Fairfax VA) animal control is a unit of the Police Department (Ani

Was this in England?

This program probably pays for itself in costs of processing and jailing homeless people. Can’t wait to they have some more hard data to show how much this program is saving the City money.

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Good for Delta, there still a horrible company but good on them for this.

And in other news water is wet! More at 11!

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Black Panther is not one Man (or Woman) It is a title and while Boseman may have passed. That role Black Panther remains here in the mortal realm. Waiting for the next person who is worthy to fulfill it.

I can’t be the only one who thought that this should be a double reboot? I cannot be the only one wondering what these ladies are up to in 2020? “Living Single: The Golden Years”

TLDR but my all time favorite cookie recipe is HRC. The oatmeal mmm just lover her cookie recipe. 28 years later it is still my favorite cookie.


THIS, like dude you are a racist small town sheriff. I know your a hero in your own mind but to everyone else your the bad guy.

Correction Trump hates everyone that dosnt have the name Trump in their name... (and even some that do see sister, niece, Tiff)

I just checked NYC’s Department of Corrections budget is 1.4 BILLION! for FY2019 JFC. Even if it did come straight from them that’s a drop in the bucket. 5.9 Million is less than half a percent of DOC’s budget.

Oh I know, but since they dun f*cked up. The LEAST they can do is go into their parking ticket slush fund and go down to Home Depot and get a new door. THE VERY LEAST. I am willing to put money they might have gone got a new door for them but didn’t even pay for installing just so they could have more deniability.