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I mean kids will be kids and use any space with height to spit on people. But screw that, throw the book at this lil fucker!

How dare you hold a mirror up to ourselves!

Whatever gets them out of the water I am good with. If some restaurants want to start buying them off me and promoting them in their restaurants as locally sourced and helping the environment by eliminating an invasive species all positives in my book.

I’m all for eating them and ensuring any females with eggs are out of the water but I am not yet trusting fish from the Potomac ... then again I eat crabs out of the Chesapeake.

Things are getting bad with sneak heads in the Potomac River. We are having tournaments targeting them trying to kill as many as possible. Government  needs to start a bounty on them really get all the fishermen to pitch in to kill this suckers. Look at this record breaker they caught down near the Chesapeake! 19-pound


Maybe not your sissy lib-tard Jesus but we are talking about Republican Jesus!

No but every night they would order Domino’s and this was their delivery guy.

My god father adopted a child and meet with the mother before the adoption and was there at the birth. I don’t think its abnormal for adoptive families to meet the mother before the birth. This whole thing is just fucked up though.

Doubt he was putting them in “good” Christian homes.

He has the practice down part.... But what else do you expect from a “stable genius

I also love that cartels are using trebuchets to get the their “shipments” over the wall.

Going fast wont make Kansas suck any less... It will just get you out of the suck faster.

Lock her up, Lock her up, Lock her UP!

There is a video I use in a bleeding control class (I will NOT link to it) where a guy gets gored by a bull and the hole time this other person is applying pressure to the wound and dose not let go of his beer the whole time. Priority’s

Oh I am sure Snyder just used his hologram tech to turn over in his bed say, “your fired” and then went back to cranking it.

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I have secret footage of this teacher in the classroom!

About the same time this happened.
