
Becase we need to have “cops” in every school at ever corner at every entrance to protect the children from... (checks notes for this weeks reason).... mentally disturbed/ very very bad people who happen to have guns.

I mean Honda & Saab already beat them into the Air, I bet they wana play catch up.

Now playing

The chief deputy has said, “we are doing everything we can to get in touch with these men. We are broadcasting this widely on TV, radio and social media, we just don’t know why they wont come forward?”

I hear there are a bunch of empty GM plants around.... This country has the space to do this, sounds like they have the investment capital to do it... Now they just need to do it.

Oh if we are gona get weird, lets get weird!

Just needs some new Mud Flaps,

What’s the end game?

At the end of the Illinois trial she could ask for it back. But the courts could say the money should be used to pay for his defense so the money may be forfeited to his attorneys. Also if he breaks any of the rules of his Illinois bond the money may also be forfeited. What would be dificiult is if he breaks one of

I thought it was humorius how the Judge was like, “You signed the bond acknowledging you may not get the money back!”


Yeah I am really looking forward to this new Saved by the Bell reboot where they have a very special episode with an active shooter... now will it be the first episode that sends us down a who dun it rabbit hole ala Riverdale and Veronica Mars or will they save that for sweeps?

I mean that’s never bad advice.... until you join the military.... or law enforcement.

To be fair HR departments are kinda split up. The person looking at resumes is not the person validating credentials and someone else could be running background checks. None of the systems will pop up and say “This is a disgraced judge who was recalled”. Even a small school district in CA is employing hundreds if

I think what they are trying to do is showing him arrested and looking like shit. That’s how we should remember this criminal. Arrested and looking like shit. Not photos of him living it up, socializing. Him looking like shit and under arrest. That’s his legacy.

Yeah but, anyone that was connected knows the investigation is on going. They know they may be named from pimps oversees to his pilots (those pilots are fucked!) If those criminals arnt burning any records tossing computers into the sea and fleeing to non-extraditable countries they are idiots.

Yup, just look at this monstrosity, yuck.

All I keep landing on.

Makes me want to paint that on my street now..... so every morning I can pass go before I head to work!