I mean that’s never bad advice.... until you join the military.... or law enforcement.
To be fair HR departments are kinda split up. The person looking at resumes is not the person validating credentials and someone else could be running background checks. None of the systems will pop up and say “This is a disgraced judge who was recalled”. Even a small school district in CA is employing hundreds if…
I think what they are trying to do is showing him arrested and looking like shit. That’s how we should remember this criminal. Arrested and looking like shit. Not photos of him living it up, socializing. Him looking like shit and under arrest. That’s his legacy.
Yeah but, anyone that was connected knows the investigation is on going. They know they may be named from pimps oversees to his pilots (those pilots are fucked!) If those criminals arnt burning any records tossing computers into the sea and fleeing to non-extraditable countries they are idiots.
Yup, just look at this monstrosity, yuck.
All I keep landing on.
Makes me want to paint that on my street now..... so every morning I can pass go before I head to work!
Oh there is, there a whole country of lakes!
Pizza Hut may have them beat at that gimmick.
SNL blocked this on youtube but you know what it is, and its Fantastic!
Let’s just hope POTUS isn’t watching thinking its a security briefing from CIA.
Zero to Hero just like that!
Prosecutors gona prosecute.
Ya the lack of reporting on it is what lead me to think its not something of consequence. Like it was something that was said and dismissed simultaneously at a press conference. Like, “While buried the weight of the earth above the child crushed its skull... moving on”
Might have happened while being burred or exhumed. the skull of babies are extremely soft.
SNL kinda did it already....