We have a takeout/store place here in Northern VA that almost exclusively hires high school kids for the sandwich makers and pizza. They see it as doing there part for the community to give kids a good first job. And they make a hell of a sandwich.
We have a takeout/store place here in Northern VA that almost exclusively hires high school kids for the sandwich makers and pizza. They see it as doing there part for the community to give kids a good first job. And they make a hell of a sandwich.
You gota be careful in Maryland. If you get a bit of Old Bay on you they will go cannibal in moments.
Not trying to troll (god that sounds bad to type). I believe the mounted officers were in the area when they got a call about trespassing. They went to the scene on horseback. Found the subject, arrested him and did not feel like waiting for another officer in a squad car to pick up the subject. So the officers…
They missed there shot with Tituss,
Fake News, Shaw was in Toledo at the time.
I have one GOP friend on Facebook (girl from HS). It’s a mix of trolling and hoping that maybe I can find the right words to make her think. We have to change some minds. Slowly one by one if I have too. The other day she posted some negative Antifa stuff and I got to respond so your pro Fascist? There was not a come…
“phenomenally expensive” in private aviation is a relative term.
and above 400'... 900' if in a spin.
He did loose a $700,000 aircraft, not sure that should be called a “win”. But any landing you can walk (swim) away from is a good one.
Here is a video of the CAPS being deployed. Pretty awesome I think.
I bet they were Just happy they were getting to help a live person instead of retrieving a corpse as many of there missions end up being.
ehh who can remember that far back.