
Jon, “I know two things, how to ride dragons and nothing!”

Brooklyn 99 tiptoed around it with there crooked cops arch in season 3/4? But yeah I could totally see Hitchcock or Scully confusing their gun as a sandwich.

well in fairness it seems she is doing gangbusters. busy crowed high stars... Completely tone deaf, but it appears so is her clientele.

“when do we want it”

It’s not worse, it’s just to differentiate it from regular good old fashioned Fucking!

I think legally sodomy is any sexual act that’s not P in V sex. So oral, anal... hand stuff?

Keeping your hands away from the cop but not laying hands on them at the same time?Can’t arrest me if you cant get my arm and I’m not hitting you.”

Oh I am sure they were.

I did not know this.

Just do what the Germans do, only easier since the ocean is right there. Just drag it into the ocean.

I too share your concerns but I think there is one work around to this. The OBDIII data dose not include GPS location data (I think). They can know you were speeding but if they don’t know where you are speeding they don’t know how much to ticket you for. Also you can say you went to a track or were on private

Yes I know it’s acting. Did you really think that I thought that Ice-T is a cop with NYPD?

And look where he is now,

your not wrong.

Anyone else remember when this happened on the West Wing? There was a series of black church bombings around the holidays and the FBI had been trying to catch them for a long time.

Sadly 4 but the 4th was stopped in time before it did serious damage.