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The false positive rate for Herpes is very large in most test they have. Plus most people have Herpes already and its not that big a deal.

I used a CVS Minute clinic in a Target. I had insurance but they listed the prices so I knew. It was like $150 to see the Nurse practitioner and LabCorp wanted another $200 for lab fees. I had insurance so I just paid the copay. Maybe check them out if they are open near you. Might save you some green. Also as other

I took a walk around my work today and it was far from the only one... WTF!

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Cops can always arrest you pretty much whenever wherever for whatever. It is then its up to the DA to decided if there is enough evidence to prosecute you and under which statues.

No, I think in school suspension where every day they have to help this student, carry her around on there backs. be confined to the smallest class room for any free time and lunch. Change up the Scarlet letter with a big red R that they wear all the time for racist. They would still try to pass it off as cool though.

Ding ding ding we have a winner!

I found a white nationalist sticker outside my office yesterday. It made me so mad, but felt so good when I ripped it down. It was the same one as other found a few miles away in Arlington VA.

I think the concern was it was relatively close to shore. so it could have been pushed in. And without engines if things went bad it would go very bad very fast and they could never hope to get everyone off in time. So While they could they would start removing people. Better to pick up live people off the boat than

Darwin Award Nominee

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Not only did they make a trailer they made the whole movie! This is the only Dora movie we need. Although I agree Hot Dad Michael Peña is a good addition.

For those who cant make it to Chicago there is also BlerdCon right outside of DC in Arlington VA.

Not so much,

So die hard 3 just replace gold with cars got it!

Are you calling the Jalopnik commenters pesky kids?


Just gona leave this here...