I think that’s what he wore to the Inauguration.
so far there have not been any sexual related charges. But they might just be trying to protect her from having to go though that with a jury. I mean they have him on 2 capital murders and kidnapping he is never getting out of prison. If the prosecutes can help the victim by not having to publicly announce that this…
I mean it is a rural part of Wisconsin, not out of the ordinary to go, “Hey I’m going to do some hunting today mind if I borrow your shotgun? or hey I need some range time” Not excusing it just saying in rural areas where there is hunting this would not necessarily be seen as something out of the ordinary.
Anyone else remember this Boondocks episode? Chappelle was not the only one taking aim at R Kelly for sketchy behavior. I think Boondocks did a great job pointing out that if fans continue to support an artist there will never be justice for the victims.
They are pissed!
RENT is Great!.... Chris Columbus’s RENT is a Garbage fire that Mark should have used to get a little more heat.
Gota Love a Newfoundlander. But when I heard Gander I instantly thought of this: