
Yeah, the comment above yours says about screen protectors covering it up, I'll check it out. Thanks for the reply!

Thanks man, I'll look into the XO skins!

Hadn't thought of that, thanks for the reply.

Haha, no, it wasn't, I did nearly change it when I spotted it though.

Indeed, I dropped it a few weeks ago, it's the smallest scratch ever, you can't even see it unless there is a solid colour on the screen. However, I know it's there, so it annoys the hell out of me.

On a semi-related issue, does anyone know if it's possible to get rid of a scratch on a screen?

Gorilla Glass can be scratched.

Isn't North Korea calling it ("it" being Christmas) psychological warfare?

when anything is posted on the daily mail site take it with a mahossive grain of silicone.

Doesn't all of that still directly affect the US? So even though I still see your point, you could argue they're doing it for themselves also.

Does the law need to be broad? "Hey, did you make that youself? Yes? Illegal."

Slightly off topic, but with these deals on Android marketplace, does anyone know the reason why some apps have a 2p VAT charge and others don't? I don't care about the 2p, just curious as to why.

Thank you!

I love you.

Sorry, I did plan on editing my post with a link, but I guess I forgot =/ Damn internet.

What happened to that "space ship" that was found in the ocean a while ago? Did anyone ever investigate or did everyone just forget about it?

I wonder if iPlayer is available for Silver members, because I remember an article from a while ago saying how the BBC weren't going to allow MS to block it off for Gold members?

Ah yes, silly me, that's what I get for writing that at 3am I guess.

Damn straight.

The thing that bothered me most about that video was the way the guy says, "button".