
My point was that there'd be some (most) search topics with less than a single percentage point.

"porn comprises only 13% of all web searches"

Surely they're equally as retarded?

4 hours? The battery in mine can last over 24 hours easy... That's not just on standby either. Checking e-mail over 3G, web browsing, texting, even an hour or so of gaming, still had over 15% battery.

Firstly, who didn't know that already?

Haha, yeah, I guess. You can block messages though, but I doubt he does, he gives his gamertag out every chance he gets and is really active on Twitter.

Try reading the box...

Why? That's not the first time by a long shot that he has publicly given it out.

That logo really is kick-ass.

Inches in the UK.

I was about 12, I didn't give a fuck (Not that I feel that way now). Also, your response has proved my point, "WELL THEY DID SOMETHING BAD! SO SO CAN WE!" Two wrongs and all that.

Not being filled with joy by the death of people makes me a coward?

I'm not the one celebrating the deaths of others.

It's funny that you "thank God" for the CIA, yet it's extremist religious views that threaten your country. Just think, if America believed in a different fairytale, you'd be safe.

This shit blows my mind. What is the difference here between this situation and the fact that they're both making phones... Who owns "phones"? Or touchscreens? Buttons? The fact a noise alerts you to an incoming call? Not everything can be brand new, it seems so ridiculous.

XBL is $50?

""the most balanced multiplayer experience we've ever done""

I read about the new headset a while ago, could have been on here, so it should be soon. I imagine either before, or the same time as that MW version. Apparently you can use it as a bluetooth headset for your phone as well.

I actually heard it on the Giantbombcast first, but yeah, sure.