
@danielcital: Muscle weighs more than fat, so maybe that had something to do with it?

@Mark 2000: I understand you thought you were probably being a cool kid posting that link, but as I already said "I'm in no way religious so I don't know what you're referring to". But at least now I do know you're a douchebag +1.

@garci66: Aaah, awesome. Every day's a school day.

@vc-10: How come it's different in the UK and US?

@Mark 2000: All of it really, I'm in no way religious so I don't know what you're referring to. But I have always found it interesting how people interpret what the bible says. It sounds like you're on about space and the twin towers?

Pretty cool. I would NEVER have enough patience to do it myself though. Not that I'd want to... But you know what I mean...

@oops_jo: I'm not sure what side of the fence you fall on with that comment. But I'm curious as to why you think faith is "important"?

@cowboybebopfan: I think I'm taking your comment out of context, because I read that as though you're saying they mention a televised event in the bible?.. Which obviously can't be right...

Is there any other way to get into this beta? Because Bulletstorm didn't interest me and my local GAME had run out of beta codes when I pre-ordered. Makes me sad inside.

@Anciegher: 16GBs of RAM? What have YOU been smoking?!

The music industry is MESSED. UP. Next they'll want money from me for streaming songs from my PC to my 360.

@Unseen Vision: Now you know how we feel about shit most of the time =/

@nix_lb: Because the world is broken. I picked up one of my nieces (She's 6 I think) Hello Kitty magazines awhile back and it had a 4 page spread on Cheryl Cole, made me feel a bit sad inside.

@Cheese Addict: How about both? Insanely cool. Half below the sea, half above. The view could be incredible, even though I'm not sure how far down sunlight penetrates, but I'm sure some massive flood lights could do the trick.

Ah right, OK. Rereading it now it makes more sense to me, before I was just reading them as separate comments.

@fryhole: I'll be honest, I can't be bothered to check my own facts, but I'm sure there are many women that have been forced into prostitution. Get them addicted to smack and your golden.