
I cannot get over the reaction to the image in the comments. It's a woman with a bandage and some food colouring. Get over it.

@spudhed: I thought you could still use iPlayer without a TV license? As long as it's not being broadcast live, you're good to go.

@wtfisthisidonteven: Nah man, I'm from the UK, don't know the channel or the guy. I did read it somewhere though, I'm in no way smart enough to think of that for myself.

@digimope: Yeah, me too. Pesky science.

@digimope: From what I understand, you can only "time travel" to the point time travel became possible. So you can't go further back in time than the invention of time travel. But I don't know much, so that might be wrong.

Apparently it's not all bad there, that barbers shop seemed incredibly thorough.

@joe05x: You sir, have to switch to Even BETTER.

I don't understand how this has gone so far? What did he actually do that's illegal?

@I am Tak: I don't know if it's me being a moron, but I can't find either edition on the Game website? Do you have to do it in store?

@faralar: What? The game is made, maybe a couple of different versions, for different regions or whatever, then that's it. They're all "copied" from then on. A CAR on the other hand, they're all individually made. You can't compare. Each disc or digital download isn't completely coded from scratch. They are just

The comments aren't what I was expecting. I can't be the only one that thought that sucked?

@John Weston Taylor: From what I understand, you have to play as Cole a certain amount in the beta, then you unlock it for the beta. Then you have to play a certain amount whilst wearing it in the beta, to unlock it in the full game. I think.

@semicarbazone: I liked "So we should have at the very least restored the basic reply notifications. I hadn't realized the extent to which the most avid commenters relied on that feature." Because who would possibly want to know when someone replied to their comment?

@Nitesh: If you remove /gallery from the url, it'll work with ca./uk. giz.

@Obi_Al_Kenobi: That's one hell of a typo. Actually made me forget the real name for a second.

@Kovitlac @Zenstation: Of course! Silly me. Do people really care about exclusives? Surely if a game is that good, you'd want as many people as possible to play it?

@Leathersoup: Don't tell anyone, but I heard it was designed by a slightly retarded Chimpanzee.

@branchan: "This story was originally published in Gizmodo on April 2010. We are re-printing it because 1) it's awesome and 2) it's a good read in the light of recent events in Libya."

@Grimwood: L.A. Noire, Mass Effect 3, Portal 2 and maybe another Assassins Creed? And they're just the games I'm looking forward to, I'm sure there are more.