Actually my wife complains about Willie Fritz all the time.
Actually my wife complains about Willie Fritz all the time.
Popovich Pops Off On Piss-Poor POTUS
You know, I usually get annoyed when I tell people I support Spurs and they think I’m talking about the NBA, but I suppose it may not be such a bad mix-up after all.
“On Patty Mills’s decision to resign with the Spurs because of the team’s culture”
And to think, you still had a better night than Ted Cruz.
Go to the movies these days and here’s what you probably see: A famous Hollywood star, pretending to be something…
If someone asks you a question — any question — that begins with “Who won the,” your wild-ass guess should never be “North Korea.”
Krz is bullshit. I don’t care how good you are at hockey, you don’t get to have a name that doesn’t have a vowel. You’re not an app.
Massen as in ‘Mason’, or Massen as in ‘Assen’?
Go fuck yourself. From deep down in the bottom of my very own whiteness, go fuck yourself.
That’ll be nice (if it happens) but that’s not bringing back the old healthcare plan. We get to do this whole thing all over again.
Can’t wait until the midterms when we can finally slapshot these dummies out of the ballpark for a three point golazo spare. FORE!
Finally, somebody said it. Nobody cares about your struggles. Maybe don’t live in the antarctic.
• “Can we smoke in here?”