Tom Petty Larceny

Well, that’s it. This is the best post-Super Bowl take and there will be none better.

This is very good. Bravo. +1

Bleacher Report is taking this Groundhog’s Day thing pretty seriously.


1. Cornhole

Is it also team policy to wear temporary tattoos?

Bigger question: how does Connor Neville play both QB and DT?

Finally. I am sick of people not being perfect. This guy gets it. If you’d like to send me your resume, I would be happy to get you a job at the Go Fuck Yourself Factory!

Steve Bannon looks like a comedian who has tried so hard for so many years to make it work with his unfiltered brand of comedy that worked for awhile but now people are not really buying into it now so he has become a bitter and disgruntled comic who occasionally graces an improv club in Sioux City, Iowa and does a 10

He’s 4th behind Orr and Howe.

Fuck off with your poignant analysis and astute observations. Give me non-sequitur, absurdist humor or get lost.

Got the book. It’s awesome.

Fuck Darren Rovell’s avatar

You are wrong. Triscuits are the best cheese vehicle due to their size, texture, and wonderful crunch. The taste is not overpowering and it provides an excellent balance with the softness of cheese. They’re useless on their own, but they provide an excellent cracker-base for an easy snack.

He started a weekly basketball game in the Russell Building

Now playing

I was thinking something more akin to Michael Scott

#5 is playing this properly. Don’t get up and act like you’re okay. Your soul was snatched. Go ahead, lay there, take inventory of your life, pray to your god, and hope that you will blend into nothingness.

Canseco is an underrated Tweeter