
So you’re just against taxes in general?

Nah, you don’t understand the concept. But good effort to make it about you.

General Strike. We can stop the country if we’re marching in the streets.

Ack. Apologies.

God I hope not. I hope she goes and retires and takes her conservative beliefs with her.

The Clintons are the ones who directed DNC money away from downtickets in the first place.

I’m an Anarchist. And we’ve lived through much worse.

What, if she were hotter people would have voted for her?

People are sick of shits like you who see them as evil because of their skin color and gender.

We’re more than ready to elect a woman to highest office. Warren would have... well, trumped Trump.

The fact you think that is zero-sum is why we lost.

Maybe the campaign that called white men racists and sexists pushed them to come out to vote for Trump in droves?

if Clinton didn’t have a million scandals going before she even began her campaign I’d be behind this kind of thing. But this is like taking a broken toy to school and then getting pissed it doesn’t work in front of everyone.

You’re such a self-hating white person. Maybe if you didn’t think white people were inherently awful they’d surprise you.

We went to bed around 9:30 last night after we both did the math and realized Clinton couldn’t pull it off.

Warren 2020. Start now.

My super-feminist partner and I agree: The silver lining is that someone other than Clinton gets to be the first woman elected President.

Uh, you’re kinda young, yes?

Except for Clinton, natch.

I hope to fucking god she hangs it up. The Clintons killed the Democratic Party and the sooner we’re done with them the better.