They’re lying, it’s gonna punch us dead center, we’re fucked, I’m in the southern Sierras, where's the closest party, I'll bring 100 pounds of ribs and a case of potato chips, yaaay!
They’re lying, it’s gonna punch us dead center, we’re fucked, I’m in the southern Sierras, where's the closest party, I'll bring 100 pounds of ribs and a case of potato chips, yaaay!
Who gives a fuck about these shallow reprobates!
Couple of weeks back there was a rumor circulating that the Foxx bitch got paid a quiet $400k allegedly via a source tracing back to George ‘Sorryass’ (a.k.a., Soros). True or not something other than Juss Smelldat’s well traveled ass really stinks about this case!
The transgenderism trend IS A FRAUD perpetrated by the Amerikan Psychological ASSociation and their mentally sick lab rats upon the Amerikan public!!!
Really, you met a true to their CULT book Muzrat yet? Violence is their FIRST name!
Look JoJo, your lil' bruh stuffs the meat whistles up in his hoo hoo, that makes him guilty... of everything!
Childish violent racist is what!
If Marvel wants to represent the “LGBTQs” (which historically such sickness was never part of the comicverse of the 40's, 50's, 60's etc.), then they better damn well include a couple of PP characters to properly represent that (p)diverse collection!
So, Captain Marvel, originally a MAN in the 60's is now an elderly TRANSVESTITE with some good plastic surgery for that youthful look. So called humanity just gets mentally sicker by the day!
Liberals are begging for another civil war simply because they don’t know how to stay out of other people’s business!!!
You liberal scumbags need to learn that someone else's penis is none of your fucking business!!!
“Call it what it is...", okay then read this: MY child's penis is none of your fucking business pervert!!!
By the same criteria you spew, if you come anywhere near MY son’s dicks “I’ll fucking bash your skull..." and I'll make very sure it hurts!
Whats wrong with minding your own fucking business?
Someone else's dick is none of your damn business!
Issues like this are precisely the reason I choose the screen name that I use! Is there no limit to the height of stupid the liberal lemmings have acheived...? Liberals violate, or attempt to violate every crevice of personal boundary, now they insist on crawling into your pants...
Wut... the blue alien peeps are pervs into bestiality?
Well, on the upside Davy Jones doesn't have to take the bus to work any more since he now has 2,000 slightly used cars to pick from, including those four glorified VW GT's. I have a hunch Davy is going to be a big hit with all the hot mermaids down there!
You did mention somewhere that this guy is a beater, yes?