
One question - do doors slam on their own? And then mysteriously lock themselves & not open, while someone tugs the knob frantically calling for a trapped child?

@DrunkenSuperman:disqus Even worse - that sick-ass smile Todd had as he peeped into the door of Andrea's house while she stood outside with her back to him…

Epic shit-shoveler Aaron Spelling wonders how the fuck you left him out of that remark!

Safe to say that Jesse Plemons will be riding a wave, after this? He was good in his bit part in The Master (he's the one, really, who puts the germ of doubt in Joaquin Phoenix's head about Lancaster Dodd)…

>They're going to come after us in droves attacking us everywhere online. To them, we say thank you.
They are fucking trolling—this is what they've come down to…Stalking the American moviegoer like a psycho ex-boyfriend: "What about me don't you like? What is it? What does 'We're the Millers' give you that I don't??

I *loved* all those when they were first released, and Iove them no less, all these decades later…But he has written amazing songs, and performed them incredibly, throughout his whole damned career…And I love this new recording…

"…that process doesn’t always leave essential records in his wake." - And by non-/not-essential, do you mean "negligible"? And by what kind of antique classic-rawk marketing formulation is the "essential record" a thing, anyway?

*Kane stands, slow-clap*

>It’s the cinematic equivalent of those Chinese knockoff luxury sedans.
But here's the very peculiar thing about that analogy: what you've said here re Planes applies just as well to loads of other films Pixar has produced. I'm totally confused—how can highfalutin' criteria of quality be applied to different products

Re "Black Skinhead," particularly Kanye's SNL performance of it: I've watched that thing a bunch of times, and got a chill every damned time. And watching that performance made me feel, for the first time, some inkling of what white people of a certain age professed to feel on seeing Elvis on Ed Sullivan way back

I just "discovered" this list/feature, years after it was appeared here. Anyway, it's a great list. I'd say that "Nil By Mouth" has to be one of the most *verbally* violent films ever made: it feels to me like a poisonously-strong concentration of the sort of thing one finds a bit more obliquely/politely in Harold

I think a lot of the people laughing at this have no fucking clue what exactly dyslexia entails—otherwise I'm sure at least *some* would be too sympathetic/horrified to mock him.

Adrien Brody starred in a 2010 film called Wrecked (… which involved a very similar scenario (really solid performance BTW).

I feel that way about Jason Statham movies: they've got a mission, and they achieve it.

But true crime docs are among the best things on TV, sir!

I can't agree more re Richard Pryor's last release: I have that Warner Bros. boxed set, and have never listened to and will never listen to that disc. I have a distant, vague memory of a stand-up with cerebral palsy I saw once on TV (when?); and I'm still horrified by the handicapped-comic-makes-handi-jokes thing all

I think that the hee-larious death (as commanded by Gawd) in "Temptation" qualifies…it's a kind of whispery, squealy sound, punctuated hilariously with something that sounds like "choo-KAH!"

I thought first of Peter Criss, when I saw the title of the piece - but didn't think he'd actually make the list (so inconsequential was his work, especially his solo work)! I was a 12-year-old KISS fan when that shit was released, and didn't fuck with it at all. I can still at least recall Simmons' "Radioactive" or


Damn, it's taken Knauf a lot of time to speak about all this!