
This is why I think Agent Cooper as we recall him will show up at some point in this. He's the only one who can find her. It won't be DougieCoop, and it won't be Gordon. Coop is like her guardian angel, and was symbolized as such at the end of Fire Walk With Me. Perhaps Laura returns to Twin Peaks as "Judy". Just a

Outlived, yes, but it's far more engaging, meaningful and entertaining than those storyline terrible storylines. For me anyway.

MacLachlan has inadvertently said in at least one recent interview that Coop shows up. It's a leaning quote anyway. I'm thinking that we may get him in the last three or four episodes, so I'm counting on DougieCoop until maybe episode 14 or 15. I have this weird feeling that we will get Cooper back, he'll save the day


Chris Russo's voice screaming about the Mets in the original Bad Lieutenant is one of my favorite things ever.

This exposition was necessary after a two week break following the most bat-shit insane episode in TV history. We needed some dot-connecting and so did the characters. I liked the FBI catching up with the rest of us. I liked that Chantal gave Bad Coop a bag of Cheetos. I liked the continued outdoor adventures of Jerry

DAT anyone?

I think people are understandably overwhelmed by the visuals of the episode that perhaps the music has been overlooked. The composition for when the boy was hit by the car stood drew more attention because it stood out in that scene in particular and it was in an episode that was far more grounded in reality if you

Yes, it sounds a lot like Angelo. They're planning on releasing the soundtrack, but I'm afraid that it might just be tracks by the bands at the Roadhouse. Much like the original series, some of the incidental music may not get a standard release. I bought "The Twin Peaks Archive" off Lynch's site several years ago,

Have they released everything? Sure, the Roadhouse stuff, but I don't think they've released the atmospheric Badalamenti stuff (some of which may also be Lynch).

Yeah, kind of like Empire!

Pool Man is a weekly Twin Peaks troll. I highly recommend blocking.

I haven't consumed any drugs prior to watching season 3 and have enjoyed it immensely.

I think he was credited as "The Hipster".

There's also crackles when Lynch goes to the overhead shot of the trees before the weird "time jump"at the diner.

Awful because it's awful to think about, or just an awful idea for Lynch to go there?

Remember the name of the last film "starring" Orson Wells?

Yes. Lynch is notorious for scenes that flow together smoothly. He's very linear.

There should only be one version. What's strange is the guy who yells at the beginning (and never enters the diner) comes walking towards the register (now in the diner) at the very end of the credits. It's also accompanied by a shift in music. It certainly seems intentional to me.

Pool Man is actually disgruntled, disgraced original cast member Michael J. Anderson, the "Man From Another Place".