Very likely. I like the idea of Red being connected to Mr C.
Very likely. I like the idea of Red being connected to Mr C.
Alicia Witt was great in Dune and Twin Peaks, and she was a kid in both (really young in Dune). Regardless, I think you need to wait and see how this plays out. I wouldn't be surprised to find the child is now a resident of the lodge. If we don't come back to the child's death (and I am fairly certain we will), I'll…
Six episodes in, I am so very satisfied at this juncture. It's truly a gift that this is happening. That Lynch somehow got Showtime to sign the massive check is a fucking godsend. My only complaint with the show thus far (and it barely registers) is that Lynch has made Lucy and Andy borderline mentally handicapped. As…
It doesn't feel long to me. You know what's been long? The 26 *YEARS* it's taken for this show to come back on the air.
While it may feel long, Coop's only been in full "Dougie" mode for 2.5 episodes. Who knows how much longer he will be in the end, but right now, it's not as long as people are making it out to be.
I don't think that was the reason for the boy being killed. There was that whole thing with the red flame going into the sky, the connection to Carl Rodd, the electric poll from Fire Walk With Me….
Stream it off Amazon…?
Ed is coming for sure, he was shown in a teaser. Ben hasn't been on since the first episode. James not since Episode 2. There'll be more of them, I'm sure, and Audrey as well. How much, probably not a lot. Honestly, it's not like I'm pining to see them. Of course I get giddy when someone shows up. But I'm loving the…
She's busy watching the Doc's vlog!
Oh my God, it's SO BORING. When does Coop start eating donuts and cherry pie. When does he get to talk to Audrey. It reminds me of James' motorcycle trip. Me and my friends are BORED. Nothing is happening. Yet I keep watching and posting about it.
"I suspect these recent episodes will figure into the whole scheme of things much like the James Hurley on-the-road episodes of S2 - might as well skip them"
It's totally annoying, yet used as Lynch is using it, hilarious. Despite the gratuity of violence, I couldn't help but laugh as the dwarf was stabbing her to death with this playing.
I was thinking this morning that perhaps the Lodge residents take on the form of dead residents of Twin Peaks. Mrs Tremont and her grandson, the woodsman etc…perhaps the Lodge recognizes certain tragic deaths, captures their spirits and they live on in that realm, surviving on the garmonbozia (pain and suffering) of…
Mention Naomi.
Here's to your fuck, Dougie.
You have a 94 year-old grandma watching this show? That's outstanding.
Agreed 100%. It's a slow and wonderful climb back to Dale. He's getting there, but it takes time. The Dougie Jones whiners fail to understand that we've only had Coop as Dougie for 2 1/2 episodes. We may have him for a few more, and that's OK. Coop will return, and the methodical way Lynch is bringing him back will…
DR AMP NEWSFLASH: the old Twin Peaks ("normal" as you call it) is not coming back. It's just not. Why do you want reheated cherry pie? This is new, freshly baked cherry pie, both wonderful and strange. Sweet God, THERE IS SO MUCH HAPPENING. This is about the weird journey back. Those of you who didn't watch (or didn't…
Richard ("Dick") Thorne possibly being the offspring of Audrey and Bad Cooper/BOB may be the most terrifying aspect of this season..
What's the fun in that?