
That wasn't really leaked. I think that was made officially official.

That was my first thought. Others have speculated Audrey (because she'd mentioned becoming FBI) and Sarah Palmer because she recognizes Bob. I think Audrey will be really minimal in the series, however. My money is definitely on Diane (played by Dern). I've read some people say that they don't want to see Diane

Lynch has said the movies share the same universe. Will Balthazar Getty be put into a jail cell next to Bill Pullman? This is making my head hurt.

Quite possible…I'd have to rewatch it….

We'll see. I saw someone state earlier that there's been appearences by people who were not on that list, so…

I saw someone suggest that they were perhaps forced on Lynch by Showtime/contracted in order to get soundtrack music in there. I don't buy that at all knowing how Lynch takes orders from no one. Seeing that he shot it all as one long feature, they're a perfectly natural way to bridge to the next episode. I just hope

I already think of FWWM, Mulholland Dr and Blue Velvet to be masterpieces, but this could well end up his "magnum opus". And with Twin Peaks Season 2 having gone off the rails, this has a very good shot at being much better than the original series. I don't like getting ahead of myself, but these first four episodes

Not that girl. The other girl.

Distinctly possible!

I've read complaints about the music endings. I love them. And then oh when the credits roll…and he's using the same font from FWWM….Lynch is getting all the little things right.

Yeah, and I also read that they were forced to give over their pages when done, and they were then burned.

Kind of what I thought. The junkie saying "1 1 9" over and over again (911 backwards) seemed like she might be someone trapped there.

Only Harry Goaz stated that. Mashable just posted an article about this. Bowie was alive for five months of this production. It could've happened. More likely: Lynch will repurpose unused footage of Bowie that he didn't include in The Missing Pieces. I posted this yesterday but the end credits mention MK 2 and Fire

No, you are not. Do people think this is reality? Or is Coop in a purgatory landscape?

No, and it should be. It's pure Lynch and felt like an Eraserhead/Twin Peaks sandwich. I watched it again last night with headphones on. No one does sound design better than DL.

"Here's to your fuck, Frank."

From the department of WTF: someone on Reddit has discovered that the clunky sound from the phonograph is actually the sound of the Vegas slot machine lever being pulled…slowed down x 100. What that means, I don't know. But I found that pretty fascinating. HEL-LOOOOOOO!

I guess I just don't think there are many 18 year old girls watching Twin Peaks. I could be wrong.

Yeah, I'm happy to see her getting lots of work in her later years, even if much of it has been some Rob Zombie junk.

Thank you for that math! Also of note: each episodes' end credits have included a credit to MK2 for Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. No need to include that if he's not using footage that belongs to MK2..