Hooman, why you make a funny? If you want impartial news without xenophobia, you could also use Al Jazeera.
Hooman, why you make a funny? If you want impartial news without xenophobia, you could also use Al Jazeera.
Kotaku is a ghetto. Expand your horizons outside the ghetto. Nobody is stopping you (for now).
Haha I sometimes feel that is true on this website. Actually, that seems to be the majority as of late that are making comments.
Because it’s another culture warrior here to civilize and colonize “gaming”, despite not knowing shit about games or giving a fuck about games or gamers outside of the context of its retarded social crusade.
My first question is why are you on a gaming website if you harbor such anger towards gamers? Also, your comment against republicans is very juvenile. I would consider myself a republican and fully support her transition. Just because you and I disagree on how much involvement the government should have in our lives…
I didn’t drop the term general populace, which consists of roughly 7 billion people on this lovely planet, you did.
Well that makes the statement more accurate. He got wrist problems from being male so long.
And here you are, a true bastion of open-mindedness, insulting people based off of their political leanings.
117,000 views is less than 1% of the US population, much less the world. Which makes my earlier assessment accurate. The general public doesn’t even know who this is.
Why would I? There’s no rule that comments must be supportive and not snarky.
Because hardly anyone gives a fuck about “speedrunning”, which is a completely fucking autistic way to play video games.
I know, right? If I was a foreign leader, I’d be secretly building giant robots or something. Nope. Those dumbasses are instead pissing away money on shit like social welfare and they’re just gonna be lambs for the slaughter when eventually a crazy person becomes President of the United States.
Watching other people play video games is still retarded as hell.
As an American it’s still fucking weird to me how people who live in countries like yours are comfortable with one superpower having all the weapons and starting wars every few years. Do you really think you won’t come around, eventually?
Found the SJW.
Had damned carpal tunnel not ruined my jacking-off motion, I could show my feelings for this story.
Thought this was about someone that actually ran. This is dumb.