Tofutti Klein

Also, I think a lot of Americans don’t realize that our concept of freedom of speech and how it works is really unique to the American legal system. Harry gets a big pass on this from me.

That cake is gorgeous! 

That’s awesome! I wish I were handy at sewing. I massively screwed up my tote bag project in 8th grade home economics and haven’t touched a sewing machine since.

Mid-rise, straight leg is the fucking dream! Too bad it’s such an elusive unicorn. 

And some electrolytes, poor guy looks positively shriveled. 

Obviously I don’t know anything about their relationship behind closed doors, but William and Harry have spoken more than once about how he is a warm and loving father. He is an odd duck to be sure, but I think insinuating that he is uncaring towards his children or didn’t want to be a father is a little unfair.

Being on the cusp of a generation is weird. I was born at the end of ‘79 and my cultural touchstones and general ideology align much more with the millennial generation than with Gen X.

I don’t think she’s very bright. 

I refuse to choose the best one as they are all treasures. 

I’ve never done grasshoppers, but I had crickets once. They were good taste-wise because the dish came with a delicious sauce, but it was really difficult to get over the mental hurdle when I saw all those bristly legs.

Oooo nice, thanks for the tip!

So funny, I started in junior high too! Those Lip Smackers get you early for sure. I can’t leave the house without lip balm and feel anxious and deeply uncomfortable when I don’t have a tube near. It’s the addiction no one talks about, we need a support group!

I’ve always had a vague theory that child actors that look smaller and younger than their actual age are cast more since children develop skills so quickly. I. e., a 12-year-old playing an 8-year-old is better than an 8-year-old playing an 8-year-old since the older kid is likely more mature and has better reading and

I already love this show, but now we get a Skarsgard? The universe is too kind. 

I am a lip balm addict that generally goes with a classic Lip Smackers to get my fix, but I’ve heard really good things about this stuff. *adds to Sephora wish list*

I tried to give that a watch when it came out...the actress that played teenage Carrie was adorable but god it was such a boring show. 

Oh gosh they come and go, but ones that stick in my mind are Jia Tolentino (god that woman was bratty, it ruined her writing for me), Natasha Vargas Cooper and to a certain extent, Erin Gloria Ryan. 

Agreed, and I would also say that Jezebel always has at least one writer on staff who truly has a lot of disdain for the readers and likes to troll to annoy people. We all know who the current one is 🙄.

Yeah, I hadn’t heard of getting a separate cake specifically for baby to smash until around five years ago when a friend had one at his daughter’s first birthday party, but my parents have pictures of me and each of my siblings in the eighties giddy and completely smeared in cake at our first birthday parties. We just

Didn’t anyone at SNL watch this man’s Tesla product launches? He’s a really awkward public speaker, I can’t imagine this is going to go well.