I love this idea. But I'd still have to carry around my driver's license.
I love this idea. But I'd still have to carry around my driver's license.
I imagine it has to do with legal stuff. You agreed to store your links on the website that was owned by one company. Now you're giving a new company permission to move them.
Even better, HTML5 web version for all? It seems silly to spend time on something like THIS and not make it widely available.
Last time I had a pay discussion with my boss, I told him about all the new responsibilities I had, and then asked him to double my pay rate. He stammered a bit, asked me a couple questions, and then caved, AND I GOT IT. Needless to say, it felt good.
Sucks to be Steven Weber.
Yes it is. Of course it is. That's why we have social security numbers and driver's license numbers. That's why almost any system you get put into, they assign you a number along side your name.
Yeah...I do that too...I'm hoping someone knows some sort of bookmarklet that will let you save to another accounts youtube or something...hoping so hard.
While I work I use one gmail account.
No one is saying your thoughts are less valuable. They're saying they want to attribute them to your real, given name, and not a screenname you're made up.
Anyone else reminded of the Riddick video games when they see that screenshot?
I think they understand that fully. But then how do you go about organizing that data? How do you effectively run an ID service where anyone can have infinite identities?
I've never had it crash on me, but it's certainly slow. I have to print a lot of emails (for work people, get off my back it's 100% necessary) and it's SO annoying that Gmail opens a new tab, then Chrome open the print tab, it sists there for a couple seconds, then I can hit print, it closes the print preview, and…
Am i missing something in the settings, or does it not index browser bookmarks? Launchy indexes Firefox bookmarks, and that is invaluable to my work.
See, I hate it. With a passion. I see no benefit to it at all. I have a strong feeling it's because I'm not understanding how to use it properly, and honestly I can't remember my main gripe with it at the moment, but none the less, it annoys the hell outta me.
"Ever since Microsoft Security Essentials came out, you hasn't had much of a reason to use anything else."
Oh good, knowing that this extension exists makes me feel better about my cynicism towards Facebook birthday posts.
"expected arrival dates of my Netflix DVDs"
I imagine there's a few people not too happy with you either.
Strange that it comes from Google but there's not an android version....
You're kinda SOL until you start spending some serious money. Adobe Premiere Elements is ok.