Todd VanDerWerff

I'm genuinely a bit confused by the reaction to EWS!! among lefty film fans, because I am typically pretty sensitive to this stuff (perhaps too much so), and EWS!! didn't once ping my radar. (It remains one of my favorite films of the year.) To me, Linklater was never once saying, "This is a great thing," but, rather,

Not all Voxes.

Next season sounds awful on just about every level, but I'm going to forgive it so much because of Carrie Coon.

Counterpoint: Taylor Swift is literally perfect. Like God, a thing becomes good because she does it. And like God, she will curse us all to wander in the wilderness for 40 years if we do not praise her name.

It is! A friend of mine knows the person who runs it.


Compare the readership of an average article to that of a video's viewership, and the article dwarfs the video. But video has two advantages: much harder to block ads, and advertisers prefer to advertise with videos.

Game of Thrones is the ultimate male feminist show. It's feminist in its broad strokes and in theory, but it's also made by people who don't realize the more minor elements of sexism they unknowingly propagate.

Yes. Video really is the wave of the future. I don't think it will supplant articles entirely, but it will probably make up 60-75 percent of internet content by 2025.

No. Twitter's audience is much more limited, and less likely to click on a link it finds interesting. It generates SOME traffic, but Facebook is far more important to the ability to actually pay people to make web journalism.

It was great! Except I was in the press row, with all the other nerds.

Facebook announced it's changing its algorithm again, to privilege things posted by family and friends over things posted by publications.

Ah, I was in the theater where it was being filmed.

I think there is a general disconnect here between what is happening and what people THINK is happening. By almost every measure, The A.V. Club is the most successful it's ever been in terms of raw traffic, but that has largely come from things like Newswire and Great Job, Internet. AVC has also always had a smaller

Were you at the show in MPLS? Because I was also there.

I still have access to this account and sometimes think about tweeting YouTube links to John Tesh playing the NBA on NBC theme. I never do, but someday, I will slip.

On the one hand, I buy the argument that by being in all-caps, he forces the reader to confront the argument itself, instead of what they think the argument is. You have to slow down to read it, and you're always reading it in "Hulk voice," which removes the element of trying to figure out the critic's personal stake

Vox comments automatically close after a month. Smart if you want to keep trolls to a minimum. Not so smart if you want to hang out for years at a time.

(Southern Hemisphere AV Clubbers may not, in fact, have this.)

Technically, summer just started a few days ago. You got this.