
Yet here you are.....

Congrats! You get the “ I’m an idiot and don’t know what the fuck I am talking about” award.

The left side was not “seriously screwed up”. Ding in the front fender was all. 

This is funny. It’ll be more accurate after you replace ‘her”, “she” with “he’ and “him”.

I had no idea he was a republican. I mean come on. If he weren’t this would not be published on this site.

The illusion is there but there was at least three feet between them and the train almost hit the truck, not the other way around.

Here’s a better take on this that includes the obvious bias from liberal bedwetting Jalopnik heathens.

Seriously?? As if these assholes aren’t costing us enough. GFYS.

Liberal bureaucratic bullshit caused this. You love big government. There you go. Enjoy.

You people are shitbags.

Pretty sure any democrat would have sucked Obama’s dick had they been given the opportunity.

Good. I’m tired of these liberal idiots that say everything is racist. Fuck ‘em. 

That’s hilarious. Watching you crybaby liberals is so much fun. I look forward to another four years of Trump. He’s an asshole but it’s worth every second if it makes liberals insane.

Because most women are driving the car their men bought them.

Hopefully. Maybe another guy in a car will run a few over. Moron.

And? Would it be okay for the racist BLM drones? Grow up....

The narrator is a stupid “nigga”. 

Dumb blacks never disappoint. Lol! Tell me what Obama did for you. What have democrats done for you? 

Black thug shoves white loud mouth to the ground. White loud mouth shoots and kills black thug and then the blackpippo cry to police. Have a nice day mongrels.

The mob mentality here is sad. Liberals are very nasty sub humans.