Bye bitch? The respectable left wing loons. Keep it up. You’re handing Trump another win. Lol!
Bye bitch? The respectable left wing loons. Keep it up. You’re handing Trump another win. Lol!
But of course if this was Obama or Hillary’s plan you’d all be giving high praise. You dolts.
It’s the National Guard. Obama did it. Fine. Bush did it. Fine. Trump’s doing it. OUTRAGE!!!!! Grow up folks. This is the kind of shit that lost you the election and this is also the shit that’ll hand Trump the win in 2020.
And this folks is what you call trashy non talented writing. Get a life moron.
You’re a fucking moron.
Crazy. What a way to go out and those rescue workers had a lot on their plate. He was at the wheel/ People saw him at the wheel. I suppose the coke was planted in his system too.
Ahhh.......Love to watch liberals eat their own.
His black ass won’t be stealing anyone else’s shit. Remember. All of these dead niggers could have prevented their demise. Don’t run, don’t steal, don’t be a banger, etc. be a useful and productive human.
Typical knuckle dragger.
When liberals eat their own. Priceless. Unions are outdated. Musk should not have to bow to this bullshit.
Interesting view seeing as Obama did nothing for blacks and the unemployment rate was staggering. Suddenly under Trump it’s the lowest it’s been in decades. Get a clue idiot.
I must have missed the part where she gave a weak answer and melted down. Nice try though. You liberals are fucking idiots. Keep it up though because this is the kind of shit that handed Trump the election and he will win again in 2020 just so as long as you liberals run your #resist platform. I wish he’d promote…
Oh n0nsense. Yes it was overkill BUT there’s always one thing in common. These idiots run, resist, etc. Here’s an idea. Just stop doing what you’re doing and stick around to see what the police want. It’s not hard. If you’re not doing anything wrong you’ll be fine. You need to stop lying as far as him not running from…
You’re a fucking hack. Report the real story. Fucking liberal piece of trash.
You may want to research the Durango a bit. It didn’t start in 2011.
You liberal idiots. Maybe look further than your own nose.
I did a FOIA request.
St. Pete is a great course with plenty of area to pass. What occurred was called racing. Maybe watch the race before spouting.
Liberals are idiots. I wish Trump would jump on Twitter and declare his love and support for Oxygen.