Windmill Owner

I like the Usos's new heel turn quite a bit, it still needs some fine tuning but they haven't looked as a 'force to reckoned' with for ages till now. Their new kinda slower style fits them fine and the Smackdown tag division was in dire need of some more heels.

While it was one of her better ones it was still pretty godawful. Becky's promo was godawful also, indeed the safe by bliss was fine

I like how their doing something new with Rhyno, whose character has been a semi mute way to long and he is pretty great at promos at this point. Him and Heath have different ring styles but it works great, the promo's while a bit to hill billy hah hah for me are fun and it's a nice way to play him into a last spot

Natalya has finally become the human embodiment of the UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH sound after that segment

I like Dwayne as a actor but I just never liked the rock. The Cena-Rock matches were passable indeed but also a great showcase how WWE still relies way to much on part timers or celeb stuff. Still it's not as bad as Kevin Nash and CM PUnk

I whole hearty agree, the Rock get himself over all the time after going into semi-retirement has been godawful. Also Cena lacks a bit of Rock's amazing charisma(which he did piss away with his stupid returns) but makes it up by putting people over, being a better technical wrestlers and just being less a smug douche

Kinda disagree, their jackass bully kind if humor work fine for me and they back it up. Well expect in this segment but nobody could save that. I'm more tired of the clowning New Day segments, their great when their kinda serious but man these old day and stuff like the celebration of their title reign was godawful

Great news. They were the much needed semi-serious yet goofy segments to Adam and Jamie's never ending 'we like each-other but differ allot' sthick. Only internet fables sound kinda bad but I bet it will work out fine as a series.

I love how the the cruiser weight division is coming to Raw and ofcourse Kalisto is on smackdown. They have been wasting him for quite a while so I hope their keeping him away from the now pretty solid and full Smackdown for a while for a later feud with a nice build up. But most likely he is coming back to feud with

Can´t wait for those Dustin Diamond is a extremely weird person jokes. Bet they are really original and smart

Completely agree, that's why I said some people. I work with people with behavioral problems and various kinds of diagnosed mental disorders(i hate the word) but over medication has been a common problem here also even through the person getting them has quite allot of influence over them(the eu is pretty good

I hope they go of a interesting direction with Gretchen's refusal to take medication because it's such a taboo subject. Speaking out of myself refusal/dismissal of medication I used for a long time bettered my life(even it does has downsides I happily deal with) but some people really feel way better under medication.

I agree I just used it to showcase the difference. His comedy is still pretty much very straight and pretty social at times even he can get weird at times(Comedy bang bang). It's not a part of his comedy(which it is with someone like Hodgeman) but he plays it up for comic effect sometimes because why shouldn't he.

Yeah it is but still it's a really good standup show and it shows how great of a comic he is because he completely transformed to a sort of weirdo dandy comic of late.

I'm from a none Christian family of 4(twins, me and my younger brother) and i asked my parents about recently. They said it just happened, choose for it and raised us greatly while always both working. It's a hard burden but it's not impossible.

It's not the worlds biggest drama that it's disappearing but Gaffigan's show was a nice break of phase with it's overall friendly but smart attitude and some of the most realistic stuff about living in a Christian family without making it a burden on the series. Hope he keeps doing his stand up of-course because those

Paul F. Tompkins like Gaffigan aren't clean, they curse sometimes when it's needed for a joke and talk about sex a fair amount(just like Cartagia says). Thompkins changed his style quite a bit, just watch his marvellous raw edged Driven To Drink out of 1998 which for sure shows the Bill Hicks influence on him. https://

Man The Oblongs had such a cool look, a very detailed (literal) nuclear family sendup with Pickels being a perfect designed mix between the Valley and Hills.

Jep for sure, even more because they were released around the same time.

Man their eye for references is still amazing, Munity's visual interface is a (really well done) carbon copy of Lucasarts's groundbreaking Habitat which also was about chatting in real life on computers. It must be noted before here, really interesting stuff, check the demo video here:…