Windmill Owner

Glad they didn't go all female bands only(which would leave quite a bit of stuff of this list while it's great feminism powered punk/rock) on the list and included Fugazi's Suggestion. The most feminist sang/written by a male punk song ever and poorly still relevant today.

Pitchfork does well in these kinds of lists but their album reviews are garbage because they mostly are allot of words saying nothing. Still starting of with a Vivien Goldman's interlude is the smartest thing I saw them do in a while because she is one of the few musicial female journalist being there during punk's

BNL could only dream they cut such a solid album as the debut of FOW. Even more the case through that I can still enjoy Stacy Mom as a song and i feel like punching someone close to me when I hear that weeks song.

Yeah it's the best. I was one of the younger people(mid 20's) there at the show so it wasn't decades for me, but it was just such a blast. Subhuman is such a great song also, the band can't do allot wrong with their tremendous catalogue. The time before this I saw them they were touring Not Your Kind of People which

Saw them like last november and they were so energetic and spot on also. It was the 20 years of their selftiteld release tour which they play in full and the same energy the original had and followed it up with a nice selection even including their great Vic Chesnut cover. It already redeemed my ticket money when they

Love Curve and it's understandable that people say that even Curve lacks the poppy hooks mostly but replaces them with some great shoegaze guitars. Their a bit more of a shoegaze band to start with some melodic electronic slighty poppy breaks where Garbage is cleary way more pop focused. Cuckoo is a killer record but

'Beside having a over played fratboy hit which is still really quite good i'm glad everyone's comments have been of love for this great band. Everyone that can churn out such a depressed piss take on bubblegum pop like Hey Julie and write one of the best 90's indierock earwurms with Sink To The Bottomis cool in my

How extremely mediocre to godawful their later work was Placebo's selftiteld is amazing. I always forget how much of the record just sounds of angry noiserock(mostly helmet) and good post-rock with those bratty vocals over it. Lady of the Flowers wouldn't feel out of place in a classic 90's emo list also.

Yeah it's one of the few shows that kept improving itself and still felt way to short after a very long run(53 episodes)

David Pajo and Matt Sweeney's marvellous second guitars didn't hurt also. El Sol still makes every 'i need to work but can listen to music' spotify playlist I make.

I work in a office with a guy who sticks to the classic rock station we got over here(… and it isn't half bad. They just played Dr John's Right place wrong time(which is one of my favourite dr john songs ever) and Bob Marley's Is This Love which is one of his more 'rockers' tunes and is not

Not a huge tree fan but i always respected Wilson for being so open to other styles and just plain laidback in his aproach. The Raven That Refused to Sing (And Other Stories) is really really good if your into early king crimson and none Collins lead Genesis. Best stuff he ever did for me was the Bass Communion

Garbage is sleek, sleek in a brilliant way that keeps them accessible for pop fans and alt-rockers. It's very tongue in cheek and it makes their records feel dated right now because the pop culture it slightly parodied is long gone but also still very enjoyable through the sheer power of great song writing on it. One

It's at least shot there so seems most likely even they still haven't noted it really in the series so far.

Working with Heckerling again did produce the extremely charming and underrated Vamps which is ofcourse also a semi rom-com but also a smart slighty dark vampire comedy. Playing of a marvellous Krysten Ritter did help also. For the rest while she isn't the world's greatest actress she does have a huge likeability

Well the main character is at least looks as nerdy as Nobita

Jep also he is the most character void wrestler on the roster. He is the most generic average wrestler which makes him so bland and boring.

Since my country doesn't have raw on tv I can acces the cut down Hulu versions on youtube WWE uploads themselves. Their pretty good and 1,5 hours for a raw(they miss mostly entrances and promos, sometimes matches poorly) but I still prefer watching the whole of it and skipping Triple H talking, Steph promos and

It didn't work for Charlotte because we know she can legit wrestle but it would work for Marie because well the endless shot down pushes she had on the main. I bet their going to cartoonly give her a huge rise through the diva division because Vince seems to be still loving her as a figurehead for the none wrestling

Their nxt run was good but it's not a big mistake because Jax has tons of potential and has been very eager to train and learn, improved loads through that also. Her jobber squashes now a day are great and I don't think it will take that long till she can wrestle a good match.