Windmill Owner

Otunga is mostly there because WWE wants a diverse commentary team and he has been a trusted employee of WWE for years(with a famous wife!). Since Booker was 'promoted' to the pre-show they needed to fill in one spot not by a white middle age guy. It's stupid but it's how WWE tries to be a 'friendly to all' company.

Orton had one good run; the legend killer one, even that went on way to long. For the rest he is the perfect vanilla star Vince likes; blank in persona, third generation, ripped to shreds and tall. He is decent in ring and when put on with great wrestlers can do great matches but all his championship runs have been

They have a great storyline on their hand with Slater who is someone they know is well loved, a solid wrestler and is good on the mic(heck he is the presenter of WWE Game night even now). But man did they kill of a cool segment so quickly is a shame. Like a while back he kept interrupting Cena's championship challenge

He looks like he swallowed a sturdy wood two door closet these day

I think the last 3 Los Campesinos albums are the best they did. But I agree their way less spunky and lack the twee charm their older work has but their such solid mid tempo music indie records(which are rare to come by these days) that they've all stuck around in rotation since their release.

Bad A.v. club, don't plug the godawful subpar plastic Crosley vinyl players which have godawful weight issues with the arms and needles(that destroy records by the needle digging in way to deep). Be smart and save some more bucks and then get the excellent Marantz TT5005(around 180 dollar now if i'm right) if it goes

I heard it through the scuzzle so it could be run. Also my own bias played in because i'm kinda getting tired of her in NXT

I was rooting for Sara Lee the whole show to the point that I started to tv crush on her a bit(she's the same age as me to make it less well nerdy and creepy). But she is great on the mic and showed quite a bit of promise in the weird though enough ring moments. Also just very likable, something Rose isn't.

WWE at that point is so odd on that kind of stuff(domestic violence, assault, bodily harm), this is the company which has guys on legend contracts that have done way worse and even still one of their mainstream media biggest stars(Stone Cold) has various cases of confessed domestic violence against him but since that

Yes, can't wait for the words 'circus' 'carny' none-talent' to enter the commentary. Cornette these day is pretty a circus act himself even he does have good points at times his hatred for everything alive is pretty bland. For a supposed super booker his run in ROH was ultimate shite also.

Well it seems their at least pushing Reigns not as hard any more through the backlash of his weird wellness violation. The title shot was stupid but I really enjoyed his two matches since he came back so far and less of the 'roman this and roman that' stuff so far has been fine in my book. Also they stopped at-least

I just want Ruru to take Baron Corbin's much missed 'GO BACK TO ROH' taunt and scream it during every match he will have with nearly all of the male raw roster

I found it to be way to one sided from the half, the first half was great from both side but the finish was extremely weak. Rey beating Puma pissed me off also, not the biggest fan of Puma but man if someone can come off strong of a loss in story/overness it's Rey.

I love Ross but indeed he is a bit of poor fit. Still his commentary is good but he is (understandable) only really used to ringside commentary and NJPW seems to be still a pretty new environment for him. It also gets on my nerves sometimes but yeah Barnett is the best and current Bullet Club is the most dipshit

No it isn't and I was doing a throwback to that even back in my mind so good call. But seriously if someone can make that entertaining it's Slater who is a great talker and oozes charisma.

Uhm the shining stars aren't Anoa'i. Their part of the Colón family who include former star Carlito who was fired for Wellness reasons otherwise would most likely still be there also. The Shining Stars uncle/dad is Carlos Colón Sr. who did loads of work for WWE in Puerto Rico and is in the hall of fame. It's more that

Yeah that one was ok and i'm all before the stronger offfense, but man the mask is just not made for talking. It's a great mask but it looks extremely silly when he talks, mostly because it just cuts off above his mouth. Ricochet has been a self confessed below average promo cutter also and he hasn't really been in a

I still really liked it but the last 4 episodes had me nearly completely tune out of every storyline expect the Pentagon JR one which poorly ended with a cheap Matanza squash. It became like you said a bit mushy and hard to follow. That said the wrestling has been of extreme great stellar level, Justin Gabriel looks

Oh yeah I forgot that Byron Saxton in this set-up seems to be way more relaxed and a better overall commentator when JBL isn't jelling BALLGAME and SAXTON SUCKS/…. over him all the time. Not the most groundbreaking but a perfect foil to Cole's by the numbers approach and Graves light heel tendencies.

Yeah it's hard to follow and people feud with various people at times. I really like the AXS show which explains quite allot but is behind on the current product like a half year. That has nothing to do with me thinking everyone that has josh barnett talking is great