Windmill Owner

Yeah it's a shame because was the perfect 'anti-diva' who was a legit good wrestler who poorly was botch heavy through the other divas at the time and her wrestling gear. Holly Molly held the hardcore belt for like less then a night and man she would be great for cruiserweight title even more with her Lucha driven

Great choice of the Marty & Sarah Love Wrestling podcast one of the few not ultra you need to be in the know Wrestling podcasts but takes the stupid but also loveable aspects of Pro-Wrestling and celebrates them in the best way there. It's mostly a bit less smarky version of my favourite none video sport related

I'm burning through them when I travel long distances and it's been a doosey. Now nearly up to date I love their extremely indie comedic guests, stupid endless star wars or discussions about manners and Nick's endless odd mannerisms. Spoon nation forever.

My lovely wife!

Man Big Show is looks legit like one of the most nicest people ever in his outside WWE media outings. He is now busy taking the WWE talent lead on the special Olympics partnership and his Austin video podcast thing was one of the most relaxed and interesting of the bunch.

I hope they keep Austin Aires in NXT for a short while still. He's starting to become a good smart scumbag heel and him feuding with No Way Jose is really a nice way to keep the focus on Jose. Aires never was a huge favourite of mine but I see Bobby Rooooooooooooooooooo(de) go to the main earlier.

He's a good wrestler(his Coup de Grâce double footstomp is a great finisher) but yeah the WWE style he wrestles now hasn't done him any favors. He is pretty horrible at promo's also still which is a shame because he comes over as a really cool guy outside his bland character .

Yeah that's right, I mean that was even her gimmick when she was hanging around with Emma(please return soon)

Yeah he was, still enjoyed nearly all his matches even with extremely bad finisher. Same goes for TJ Parker who nowadays is a young lion in NJPW.

Yeah since his return i've been enjoying the Miz so much again. Always loved him when he was the smartest and smarmiest which now reached near peak levels again. Miz for sure will get more votes because even the average crowd are quite bored with Reigns and it's the reason why they were turning the boos down.

Is says allot how over he still is with the crowd even he has been horribly booked for years. And yes I agree with below, just book him as Stan Hansen and let him legit kick/laritait the 'sport entertainment' **** out of people. I will pay live entrance money to see him latrait The Miz

Seth Rollins is the really pretty Caucasian-Eastern looking guy, Roman Reigns looks like a human pitbull who just came out of a river. Really easy to tell them apart

(But she is pretty hot if your into goth like girls….), i'm still gutted that her being Solomon Crowe's kayfabe sister got axed because she needed to post Nazi my little ponies to Instagram. It might just propelled him to NXT midcard or did nothing for him.

My nephew(he's 7) called him 'that dirty scary bear guy' recently when I was watching roadblock after a family gathering

Yep, really sloppy in awkward in handling people mostly for throws and stuff. Just watch the rusev match where he drops poor ru ru sometimes.

I agree but I was more talking about skill at wrestling which is not her best quality, she is a very good talker still with a bunch of improvement already in ring skill. It shows with such a good technical roster they got now.

Woman wrestling in the 80's/early to mid 90's WWE(f) was pretty solid when you got a diverse bunch of imports from different promotions heading to the WWF on loan or hire basis. You got people like The jumping Bomb angles, wendi richter and Leilani Kai in the 80's and Luna Vachon and Bull Nakano in the 90's. Wendi

Titus is great at doing his own thing promo wise, man Prime Time Players was just him and Young being low enough on the card to do some funny skits. Now he moved up a little bit and feuding with someone who can cut a promo he falls so flat. Godawful worker still also.

Teached by Bob himself, because he is a ex-teacher of course. It ends with a 30 minute jam session where he finds 6 new gbv songs.

Surf has been on the lower burner mostly till You Know Who You Are which they toured and was well received. Surf has reached the point that it's easy to go less active for a while, still get decent money and do fun stuff beside the band; like Caws touring with Minor Alps and now Gillard returning to his old band. But